Chapter Eight: Jealous Much?

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Khamuel rested his hands on the sill of the porthole that gave him a brilliant view of the Earth planet. Lena's dulcet voice entering his mind, addressing him as "husband" echoed around in his head. Husband. Denying he wished for anything different was futile. With Lena now healthy and free from curatives, the pull he felt towards her ate away at him. Despite his distrust of her, he longed for her. If not for Kiara and her lingering effect on him, he would have long since ensconced Lena and her bantams within his grants. It was where she belonged.

Yet, it was Kiara who went in search of him, and Kiara who most often sat with him in the dining hall with her hands traveling his thigh underneath the table clothes. It was ill-timed to hear Lena address him as husband just as Kiara's hand cupped his manhood. He felt soiled and needed nothing more than to escape the beta-Dracona that would not release him from her thrall until her oestrus would pass.

When he'd first taken the beta-Dracona to his bed, Khamuel foolishly assumed her needing would last only days. Now he knew better. The blasted female would be in her needing-time for a full lunar cycle. A bit of shame poked at him for giving into carnality with her after experiencing an'thee. He should not have done so. Yet, he was unprepared at first to fight against the allure. His only peace now, was his determination not to have Kiara again after claiming Lena. Unfortunately, Kiara did not cease in her attempts and there were times he almost lost the battle with his conscience.

Days ago, Khamuel summoned Noah asking for a replacement minister wanting the female gone, yet Noah only sighed heavily and refused his request. Consigning Kiara to the reptilian habitat would do naught. The blasted female still needed sustenance. The reptilian habitat did not have dining halls as they preferred to eat as individuals hidden away from predatory eyes, and reptilian foods disgusted Kiara. The human habitat did not have dining halls either, as humans preferred to eat in smaller familial groups, whereas Ka'al preferred to eat as a community and meals were strictly scheduled. Khamuel was stuck with the minister.

Kiara would be a better fit for him. She was analytical, open, intelligent, of sound mind and did not have a temper. Well educated in the ways of Ka'al, Kiara knew how to comport herself with the different species Charity carried. Yet he did not enjoy her company. Lena was spawn; sired of the evil one, yet it was her laughter and teasing, anger, and joy that captivated him.

Unable to quell his distrust of her, Khamuel found reasons to stay away, visiting Lena only every few days to ensure she was adjusting to her new life. He should be grateful that the enforced lust Kiara subjected him to kept him free from making a fool of himself with Lena. For should he claim Lena fully, there was no guarantee he could keep his wits and remain true to the path of Charity. Unlike Kiara, Lena did not need to project her hormones at him in order to produce wanting within him. Her clear green eyes, constant smile, silly antics, and sardonic wits kept him enthralled without coercion.

And the medallion.

The sight of the medallion was often his undoing, a constant reminder that, though she claimed to be unaware of the bond they shared, she wore the flattened chalice daily, displaying it for all to see.

His jaw worked, thinking of the gold that nestled between her breasts. Never had he such a cause to envy an inanimate object. He remembered the warmth and softness of her skin the day he adorned her with his symbol. 'Twas depressing, this mix of longing and mistrust he felt, for he saw no way to resolve it. Either he returned Lena to Earth to be rid of her, or he gave in to his need to bind her to him fully. There would be no middle ground. Khamuel wanted all of her or none of her. Perhaps it was time to close the distance between them. He would visit with her now.

As he backed away from the porthole, Khamuel reminded himself to take all care. Spawn of Evil she was, yet there was a fragility that lay buried deep inside her. He would be gentle and more patient still. Yet, it was time she learned of his intent.

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