Chapter One: The Return

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Earth: Arlington, VA.

Anno Domini: 2002.12.27

The spirit of the holiday season died inside of Lena as she looked down at her daughters. They sat on a blanket over their father's freshly sodded grave. The image burned itself into her memory. For as long as she lived, Lena knew this image would stay with her.

"Mamma, is Daddy really down there?" Leila asked, patting the grass next to her.

"Yes, sweetpea. He is."

The child didn't cry, only appearing thoughtful and confused. Her sister, Sasha, pulled her thumb out of her mouth, staring at the plain, white cross. "Am I still going to look like Daddy when I'm a big girl?"

Lena mustered a smile. "I know you will."

What she didn't know was when they'd be back. Life, duty, and the need to keep her daughters safe meant coming back was not a probability.

She gave the twins the time they needed, knowing this would be the last time they visited the gravesite for the foreseeable future. When Sasha finally relinquished her flower, laying it gently on the ground, Lena knew it was time.

Sasha stood, gathering up the blanket in her skinny arms, then bent to kiss the plain white cross that marked the grave. "I'll be back, Daddy. I pwomise. Be a good boy and wait for me, okay?"

Lena swallowed hard, blinking away the sting in her eyes. "C'mon. We have a long drive."

She took her time getting the five-year-old twins into the car and strapped into their safety seats. The compact sedan was crammed with their belongings, making the twins cranky. But then, why wouldn't they be? The poor things barely understood what was happening; didn't fully grasp that burying their father meant they would never see him again. Lena's heart ached for her babies as she settled into the driver's seat and checked the rearview mirror.

Sasha popped her little thumb into her mouth to stare out of the window.

Leila pulled her woobie over herself, and settled her head against the backrest, then found her mother's eyes in the mirror. "Are we going to your house now, Mamma?"

"Yes, baby. We are."

Leila smiled faintly. "Are we going to meet aunty Lindsay there?"

Lena nodded again. "Yes."

Sasha didn't look at her mother, but her small voice held a definitive note. "Aunty Lindsay has to be my best fwend now. Daddy was my best fwend, but I don't have a best fwend no more. So, it has to be Aunty Lindsay."

Lena chuckled. "I'm here, Sasha. I can be your best friend."

Sasha shook her head. "You're just my mamma. Aunty Lindsay pwomised me ice cweam."

Lena clipped her seatbelt into place as a figure in the distance caught her attention. The man stood maybe fifty meters away, but she recognized him. Heartbeat accelerating, Lena kept her eyes on him as she revved the engine. "You've never even met your aunt Lindsay. What if she doesn't give you ice cream?"

Sasha turned to her mother and met her eyes through the rearview mirror. "You won't let no one lie to me. You pwotect me."

Forcing down the ball of emotion those innocent, trust-filled words caused her, Lena smiled faintly and pulled out onto the road. Checking her rearview mirror, she scanned the cemetery behind her.

He was gone.


Space: Charity

The Minister of Bantam Health and Progenic Care was dead. His blood lay on the floor of the ministry, surrounding his head in a crimson halo. Upon his brow was a swollen lump, indicating a head wound. No other signs of violence or foul play were apparent. Yet, something did not sit well with Khamuel. A sense of foreboding whirled around him.

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