Chapter Six: And So It Begins

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A/N: I'd love to know your thoughts so far. Are you enjoying the story? Is it too long? Boring? Just enough pacing?

"There's no way I'm on a spaceship!" Before her lay a vast night sky. The path at her feet dipped into a valley of separate yet interconnected neighborhoods with homes clustered in groups of ten. It was like standing on a hilltop looking down to see all the twinkling lights of a picturesque Christmas village. She could just barely make out gentle swelling knolls in the moonlight and trees, real trees, all blanketed by a thick layer of snow.

She looked up and her hand flew to her mouth again. Stars upon stars in tighter clusters than seen on Earth floated above them with four large orbs. Two blue, one red, one elongated but green, in comparable sizes to Earth's moon. The green orb rotated so quickly it seemed to wobble to and froe like a child's toy top. "Is this what your night sky back home looks like?"

"Aye. A good friend spent many years programming this hologram. He is quite talented."

"Oh, for sure! Is that your moon?" She pointed to the green orb, which appeared closer than the others, wondering if it was a stupid question.

"One of, aye. All four you see there," he pointed, "are moons."

"Beautiful. Absolutely stunning!" She breathed out as she stared up at the hologram. At least she wouldn't feel trapped in a tin can. A smile played at her lips. This was a good place. She opened her mouth to say so to Khamuel, but when their eyes met, her breath caught in her throat. The way he was looking at her...

Khamuel's foul mood wavered. Seeing her pleasure at the view dulled his ire. The gleam in her eye intrigued him. The happy flush of her cheeks enchanted him.

Aye, Lena was quite dangerous.

Lena watched his expression as his gaze traveled over her, then rested on her lips. Her lips parted and instinctively her tongue moved to moisten them. For the first time, Lena didn't see him as just an attractive man in an abstract sense or a man that she could indulge in a little hero worship for. Looking at him now, she felt a lick of something sinful pool low in her belly.Khamuel's pupils dilated and his glow reappeared, tinged with red tendrils of light.

"Mama? I'm sleepy," Sasha whined.

Lena averted her gaze, wondering if she was making a fool of herself staring at him like some sex-starved idiot.

Bossy little Leila came loping back and grabbed a hold of her hand, tugging impatiently. "C'mon Mama!"

Khamuel placed a hand on Lena's back and gently urged her forward. "We haven't much further to go. Your stay with my sister is temporary. I originally intended to place you in mine own grant. After your reaction to the bantlings staying with me, I thought it unwise."

She smiled up at him for his thoughtfulness, but his next words knocked the smile right off her face. "I will give you time to acclimate, yet soon, you will be brought to me and reside with me."

"Why would I do that?"

"You are my responsibility. My family. It is right that you reside with me."

Lena stopped walking and met his gaze. "Your sister is your family, but you just said she has her own place. I'm a virtual stranger to you, Kraven. Why would you move me into your home?"

His tone was patient. "I have claimed you. You belong to me."

She swallowed nervously. "You told me your people don't keep slaves."

"We do not."

Why did those three little words make fear snake down her spine? "You don't come across as reassuring right now."

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