Chapter Five: Acceptance

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The morning Khamuel was set to relieve Lena from her convalescent bed, he awoke in a fine mood. Not only was he eager to be with Lena again, he also looked forward to witnessing her reactions to Charity. Khamuel wanted to ensure that Lena did not regret her decision to remain aboard. He wanted her content.

The moment Charity alerted him to a visitor at his door, something heavy took up residence in his chest. Hearing the news Avem imparted to him caused his inner light to flame around him.

Khamuel stared at Avem. His heart pounded in his chest. A part of himself refused to believe her words. It could not be true. It simply couldn't. Yet even as his ears buzzed and his mind raced, he had to acknowledge that her words made a sickening sense.

"You are certain?" he asked.


"Her father is not Sariel, but Kasdeja?"

With the barest of nods, Avem confirmed, "Sariel is her grandsire. Yet, she is a spawn of Kasdeja."

A swirling mix of anger and disgust roiled through him. "Kasdeja!" He paced as he fought to control his ire. "She did not admit this freely?"

Avem shifted her stance. "She has not spoken of her life on Earth other than she was a warrior."

In his anger, Khamuel almost lost control of his light. Even the sound of the horrid name was enough to fill him with burning hate. A snarl lifted his lip. "Tell no one. I will not have a mass panic demanding public execution."

"Aye, Kravan'n." Avem hovered a moment longer.

Khamuel cut his gaze to her. "What is it?"

"The an'thee. Have you any ill effects?"

"Other than a spawn being the cause of it? Nay."

Avem took a step towards him and laced her fingers through his. "I can find another ship for her. You are too good for her."

Khamuel squeezed Avem's hand gently. "Your faith in me has always lent me strength, Avem. I thank you for it. Yet, she is in my keeping for a reason. She will go nowhere."

"You care for her, then?"

"I do not know her." Khamuel placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Go to your work."

Once alone, Khamuel paced the interior of his offices. A daughter of Kasdeja aboard Charity? How could this be? What did this mean? What was his role? Question after question jumbled his mind as he fought to understand this dastardly twist of fate.

Why did he not question her upon her awakening? Disgust warred with his knowledge that she belonged to him. Khamuel understood well enough that the trauma forced upon the progeny of Kasdeja was no fault of their own. Yet, the spawn were so completely, so mercilessly used there was no hope for them. Born with blackened blood and forcibly bred to blackened hearts, the spawn of the wicked earned their titles with feverish delight. No matter where they went, no matter who they met, loss and tragedy followed.

The spawn were so subdued of their own conscience, their dedication to Kasdeja became fanatical. It was how they survived under such cruel dominion. That a spawn lay in a ministry bed of his beloved Charity revolted him. She revolted him. May the Eternal One guard her well!

He walked over to the porthole and stared out into the vastness of space to send his bitter thoughts into the very fabric of the universe. An'thee, he sneered. For her?

And he had done the unthinkable, taking the spawn in his arms publicly that day in the control room. Khamuel never allowed himself public displays of affection, yet it was plain Lena needed comfort and she wanted it from him. He was glad to provide it; would have been glad to provide her with nearly anything she wished. It was the least he could do for all she suffered at his hand. The longer he held her, the more her thoughts settled, and the tension eased from her. Her heart slowed to a normal rhythm and thumped inside of him. Lena's moment of anxiety passed, and her inner strength returned to her. Her peace of mind and the relaxed, vibrational humming of her body lulled him, making his stiff hug become more natural.

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