Chapter Twenty-Seven: My Will Be Done

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Lena's confront was held in the consulate auditorium. Jibril stood tall on the stage, his wings spread in a show of dominance. On either side of him were Mikael and Raphael, both with their wings spread. The glow of divinity emanated from their wings, lighting the room brightly. Lena stood between Khamuel and Fiadn. Mord, Pnina, and Gala at her back. Everyone felt the weight of Lena's hostility as she glared at the host.

At any other time, Lena might have been in awe of the fact she stood before some of the most powerful angels the Eternal One had ever created. Instead, with pain raging throughout her body, the expression she wore on her newly scarred face told everyone Lena was still thirsty for a fight.

Noah came forward, wasting no time in bringing the chatter of the room to order. "We will forgo the usual formalities unless the council for the accused has any objection?"

"Nay," Khamuel said. "We will begin."

Noah looked at Lena. "Do you need time? You've been through a lot today."

"Just get on with it," Lena snapped.

Noah thinned his lips. "Elena Inanna Nigba, from the house of Vordlunn, you are being accused of patricide."

"Makes sense," Lena said. "I did kill him."

Wings rippled, and angelic voices chittered. Khamuel stood calmly beside Lena.

"Quiet!" Bellowed Raphael, then pinned Lena with a stern glare. "Wise of you not to lie."

"Why would I?" Lena asked. "You already know the truth."

"Then," Raphael said. "We see no reason to continue this farce. Let justice be served."

Mikael drew his sword. Flames leaped about the blade excitedly. His six wings extended more prominently.

"What justice do you intend to serve?" asked Khamuel. The commanding tone he used kept Mikael in his place. "We have not heard her testimony."

Mikael looked at Khamuel as if he were a lackwit. "She admitted to killing her father. What testimony is needed?"

Khamuel mimicked Mikael's expression. "Has not your blade tasted blood, Mikael? I've borne witness to your actions in the past. For all your light, you have committed dark acts."

"In Father's name," Mikael pointed out. "At His behest. Though Kasdeja was consigned to the darkness, he was protected, as was Samael. To snuff his life was forbidden."

"When the life of a host is taken," Raphael said. "There is no afterlife. She did not just end his life, but his very existence. His essence is extinguished. This cannot go unpunished."

Lena let out a little chuckle of incredulity. "Seriously? You're trying to avenge the life of a devil? You're angels! You should thank me for doing your dirty work."

Jibril pinned Lena with a hard stare. "Devil or not, he was protected by our Father."

"I'll jot that down." Lena sneered at his obstinance. She really wanted to punch Jibril in his stupid baby-face. 

"Enough," Noah said. "We are here for the truth."

"We have the truth!" countered Mikael, taking a step forward.

Khamuel stepped in front of Lena. "Remain in your place, Mikael!"

Mikael lowered his sword, but lifted his chin.

"This is no simple matter of a life being taken," Jibril said. "The spawn has disrupted the very fabric of balance. What she has done cannot be undone."

"And that's a bad thing?" Lena asked, stepping out from behind Khamuel. "Do you even know what that monster did? Or do you not care because I'm a demon? A demon, I might add, that wouldn't even exist if not for your all-knowing daddy."

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