Chapter Nine: About Time

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The next day, Lena sat on the floor of the common area in Pnina's grant, playing a game of cards with the twins. Lena struggled to learn what all the symbols and glyphs meant and because of that, she often lost. Lena was suspicious of the twins, though. She was sure the girls kept changing the rules to suit themselves. Just as she lost another round, the door to the grant opened silently to reveal Khamuel, who stood there for a moment, taking in the domestic scene.

Out of habit, Lena rose to her feet, and ... was it her imagination, or was there a touch of yearning in his gaze?

Khamuel moved more deeply into the room, but ordered the computer to keep the door open behind him. It was odd to Lena that Khamuel was so strict with himself. The rest of the Ka'al didn't worry about things like the sexes being alone together. Men and women were alone frequently and little was thought about it. Then again, he was a king. He had to be smarter, more careful than the average male.

As for the twins, they didn't wait for him to address them. They ran to him as they always did.

"Is that for us?" Leila asked, noticing the parcels he held.

Lena's lips curled ruefully. She hadn't even noticed his arms were bogged down with packages. She was losing her edge. Normally more observant and always looking for danger, she often forgot herself when Khamuel was around. The moment he made an appearance, she became blind to everything but the nuances of his facial expressions and body language. She needed to work on that.

"For you, aye. And for your modir." He lowered himself to his haunches. He still hadn't even looked at Lena, but he gave the girls their gifts. Simple shifts in pastel colors, all with a band of red, gold, and black at the waist and a toy for each.

Lena was relieved that her girls, despite being doted on by the Ka'al, still showed so much excitement and gratitude over being given gifts. They were spoiled, but they weren't spoiled.

Khamuel rose, a smile curving his mouth at the twins' enthusiasm. The girls weren't done with him though and insisted he stay for a fashion show. He ooh'd and ahh'd appropriately, telling the girls how darling they looked, slanting Lena a wry glance at one point when Leila broke into a silly little dance, spinning this way and that way to show off how her shift billowed around her. When the girls were finally bored with their show and settled onto the floor to play with the new toys, Khamuel turned his attention to Lena.

"Pnina has reminded me I have been remiss in my responsibility toward you." He picked up the package that rested on the floor while he interacted with the girls and passed it to her.

Lena opened it. A plethora of scarves, gold fastening chains, and gold bands shimmered in the wake of his glow. She smiled at him. "Thank you. I won't make you suffer through another fashion show, though. Don't worry."

Khamuel chuckled. "There will be more coming to you. Fiadn will bring the rest to you once they have been fashioned. I intended to provide you with these earlier. Yet," he gave a one-shouldered shrug, "I am unused to caring for a female and quite honestly, I forgot."

"Understandable. You're busy." Her hand passed over the silky materials. They really were beautiful. "Maybe now Pnina will stop telling me I look like a beggar anytime I wear my jeans." She grinned up at him, her eyes sparkling in the way that warned him she was about to say something nonsensical. "Jabba the Hut will be pleased."

"I will provide all I can," he said. "Yet, I am telepathic, not precognitive. Never hesitate to tell me your needs. And before you say it, nay, it will be no bother. It is my intent to care for you. I cannot do so if I am unaware of what you require."

Lena shifted. "Okay. I will."

"I should away." But he lingered, and Lena got the impression he didn't want to go any more than she wanted him to.

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