Chapter Seven: So This Is Life Now

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The sounds of childish laughter woke Lena from a deep sleep. She dressed in the scarves she wore the night before and followed the sounds the twins were making. Two women hovered over the girls with an air of amused affection.

"Hello," Lena said."Hi, Mama!"

"Good morning, Mama."

Lena smiled at her daughters. "Hey babies."

The women turned to face her. Each bore a striking resemblance to Khamuel and stood over six feet tall.

"Lo! I am Gala," the first woman said, coming forward with floating grace. "Kravan'n's second-mother, and first-mother of Pnina."

"And I am Pnina, mistress here, sister to Kravan'n and governess of Ka'al habitat, as well as third captain to Charity. You must be Lena. My brother did not warn me you were so lovely. Nor so tiny! Barely taller than a bantam."

Pnina's teasing was without bite, so Lena smiled and extended her hand. The other woman gripped her forearm with surprising strength. "Yes, I'm Lena. It's nice to meet you. My girls have talked so much about you."

Gala smiled, making her easy beauty turn positively stunning. "Though this be not my grant, I could no longer bear the wait of introduction. Forgive my impertinence?"

"There isn't anything to forgive. I can't imagine how much you must have helped me without my even knowing. Thank you." Lena startled the other woman when she embraced her warmly.

Gala returned the hug with a laugh. "I see we shall be great friends. Welcome to the blood, my lady."

It was an odd saying, but Lena liked the implied meaning.

"Master Fiadn is approaching." Charity announced in a congenial tone, startling Lena.

"He may enter," Pnina said, and a moment later, Fiadn entered. In the morning light, his skin emanated yellow and reddish highlights, making his pearl-like skin look artificial.

Lena narrowed her eyes at him. "You're not here to kick my ass, are you?"

The burly man chuckled. "Nay, my lady. I have come to be your guide this morning. It is time for us to begin our day. I will escort you to the schoolroom your bantlings have been assigned to. Then you and I shall begin your training."

"Training?" Her voice held surprise and a little confusion.

Fiadn nodded. "Aye, the sooner you are acclimated, the sooner you will feel at ease among us. You will be trained as Verserk."

A sly smiled curved her lips. "Buddy, I already knocked you down once, but hell, I'll enjoy doing it again."

Fiadn drew his shoulders back at her challenge. Though her words were playful, there hid an imp in her eye. The spawn would relish what was to come. "Kravan'n may not wish it be so, yet I see the verserk within you."

The twins approached the male warrior, chattering a mile a minute, treating Fiadn as if they knew him their entire lives. What was it about the Ka'al that made her daughters behave without their usual caution against strangers?

Fiadn humored the girls, but after checking the sleeve of his uniform that lit with symbols when he touched it, Fiadn straightened. "Follow me. It is beyond time we begin the day," he said as he turned to make his way towards the front door.

"I haven't eaten yet." Lena's gaze went longingly to the food laid out on the table. Her allergies meant she couldn't eat a single thing, but the aroma was making her stomach grumble.

Fiadn grinned. "Then I suggest on the morrow you awaken earlier. We are behind schedule. We must away."

Lena made a face, but collected the girls and followed the alien, only to pause as she noted two guards standing sentinel outside. Her hands went protectively to her girls, holding them back.

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