Chapter Twenty Three: Time to Grow Up

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After Khamuel left, Lena tried going back to sleep. It was no use. Even with Khamuel's light working to calm her emotions, her thoughts wouldn't settle. Too many memories had been brought to the surface, and she was restless, tossing and turning in his -their- bed.

Shame that she wasn't strong enough to walk through her past, even with Khamuel working to anchor her, made her feel as if all the progress she'd made in her life was nothing more than an illusion. And maybe it was. Maybe there was no healing from her past. Maybe she was doomed to a life of pretending that she was stronger than she really was.

Lena buried her face in the pillows on Khamuel's side of the bed. Was he strong enough to deal with her broken pieces? Wouldn't he get tired like everyone else and eventually tell her to just get over it and move on?

Hello there!

Lena jerked up in the bed, sweat breaking over her skin. Her heart picked up a frantic rhythm. Adam?

I'm glad you're well, Lena. Mother isn't too happy with you right now. Did you think she'd be okay with you severing your connection to her?

Fuck her. What the hell do you want?

Can't a brother check on his sister? It's been a long time, princess. How are you?

It had been so long since hearing his voice and that detestable endearment. Why couldn't he just leave her alone? Drop dead.

The familiar chuckle seeped into her mind. Being on Charity has made you brave, hasn't it? What's that barbarian been teaching you?

There wasn't a word in existence to describe the dirty feeling of having Adam in her head. More than you ever have. What do you want? Where are you?

Close, Adam answered, sounding smug.

Lena felt her skin prickle with dread. How close?

It doesn't matter. It's time for you to come home.

Like hell! After what you and that bitch did to me?

Decades ago, he said, as if she should be over it all by now. I did nothing wrong. All I did was make sure you knew who owned you.

Disgust filled her. I'm not a little girl anymore. Pray I never see you again.

Oh, my little lamb, thinking of yourself as the wolf now?

She felt him poking around in her mind, but effectively blocked his assault. No. I'm not her anymore. You don't scare me.

No. You aren't. You're much stronger now. A warrior. I can't say I'm not proud. I always knew you were strong.

What. Do. You. Want?

You. Always you. And soon enough, we'll be together again. You, me and those beautiful little girls of yours. Do you know how rich you'll make me?

I'll kill you first, Lena promised.

You tried and failed once before, Adam reminded her.

You won't be so lucky a second time, Lena said.

Adam sighed. You never understood. There is no wrong in a brother loving his sister even one as rotten as you. Where is that barbarian of yours?

Lena kept her thoughts tightly locked within herself. You're coming for us, aren't you?

Inch by inch, he confirmed.

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