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< I'm sorry I let you down >

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< I'm sorry I let you down >

"Open it up" Robyn couldn't wait any longer. Her feet nervously tapped on the floor as the boys started to open the door to the carriage. She had never felt nerves like this in her life. To be reunited with her brotherly figure was something she had been dreaming about for months, and now it was a reality, "Can you guys go any faster?"

"We're trying our best Robyn" Thomas turned around, trying his best not to snap at the girl. He knew how much this day meant to her and that was why she was on edge.

"Try harder" Robyn bit her nails, her body shaking.

The sound of the bolts dropping was enough to make Robyn race her way up the steps. She pushed her body through the group of boys, rushing inside the cabin. Once in, her eyes met with the kids they had saved. Pain. Fear. Despair. That's all she saw when she looked in their eyes. They were empty. It made her heart skip a beat. They all sat there, looking up at her with clear fear, believing she was one of them. A heartless monster,which she was far from.

"Hey, it's okay" Robyn whispered, her eyes wandering looking for a certain boy, "You're safe now"

Her feet carried her through the train as she looked for any sign of Minho. His hair, his voice, anything. But there was nothing. Not a single trace.

She came to a complete stand still at the back of the carriage. Her heart was breaking. She'd failed him.

"Aris, Sonya!" Thomas screeched with excitement as he saw the pair, who Robyn had somehow missed. It was like everything was a blur for her. As awful as it sounds, she didn't care for anyone else. This whole thing was for Minho and he wasn't even there.

"He's not here" Robyn mumbled, making everyone look at her as she turned around. Newt noticed her pained expression, tears silently running down her face. This had broken her.

No one could say a word that could make it any better. In fact, no one knew what to say. Each and every one of them was devastated. It was like torture all over again - how happiness can be destroyed in a matter of seconds. She wasn't complete without him, her partner in crime, her best friend. Minho was special to her and now she was never going to see him again.


The happy conversations, the beaming smiles, the loud laughter - it was all torture. Despite placing herself far away from the crowds of freed teenagers, she could feel the happiness around her. But the happiness only made it worse. If only it had gone to plan, she would be sat with Minho, arms around one another just like good old times. She wouldn't be sat alone with a broken heart watching those around her be at their happiest. Robyn would be laughing, crying with happy tears, squealing like a kid. It was meant to be the best moment in her life and now it was gone.

"Hey Rob"

A voice behind her forced her to wipe her tears from her eyes. Once she had sorted herself out, she slowly turned around to see who had spoken to her.

The End Of The Line | Newt fanfic | Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now