< four >

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< Just the beginning >

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< Just the beginning >

The four of them had travelled through the night, down endless roads that were anything but smooth. Despite how tired they were, not one of the teenagers had slept, but instead planned their long journey ahead. Whilst Frypan drove the car, the three others discussed their options and tried to work out which was the quickest way to the city. But the thing was, the kids didn't know anything about the area. They were alone now and they had to figure it out themselves.

"Mandatory infection check" Robyn peered out the window, reading an old, rusted sign that was barely standing by the side of the road, "God, the world did really go mad then, huh"

"I guess so" Newt mumbled, leaning over so he could read it himself.

As the car continued down the road, the once deserted area was now full of abandoned cars and scattered belongings. To Robyn, it looked like a bomb had gone off as they approached a desolate building and the car came to a slow stop. Robyn warily looked out the window, immediately feeling uncomfortable with her surroundings. The sight of it alone made her fear for what was to come. It almost looked like a scene out of a horror film.

"Come on" Newt patted Robyn's leg, making her jump up after him.

The other two boys followed, leaving the car in silence before walking to what lay ahead of them.

"I hate tunnels" Robyn stopped beside Newt, who had his hands on his hips as he looked straight ahead. The tunnel wasn't like most tunnels, it was pitch black and just like where they were now, cars lay abandoned everywhere. Not only that, but warning signs were hung up everywhere, giving Robyn the creeps even more. The world had truly gone mad.

"I don't wanna come across as too negative, but if I was a crank, that's exactly where I would be" Newt turned to Thomas as he reached his side. The brunette was looking at the way ahead, then back down to the map, a look of confusion on his face.

"I don't think we have much of a choice" The boy mumbled, looking over to the three others.

Robyn's lips pulled into a straight line as she exchanged glances with Frypan. They hadn't thought this through at all, and now they had to drive through crank paradise. Robyn's life couldn't get any worse.

The group of teenagers stood in silence once again, weighing up their limited options. Robyn's eyes were fixated on the tunnel, knowing that was the only way. No roads went around it or over it. The only option was to go through it.

"Right, I'll get the shotgun" Newt broke the silence as he walked back to the jeep.

Robyn couldn't hide her smirk as he did, feeing her cheeks burn as she watched him. She was one lucky girl in that department.


Robyn flicked her torch on, the light illuminating the tunnel walls. Dark coloured water dripped through the stone, staining the light grey paint as it did so. As the car slowly drove deeper, Robyn kept a close eye on every inch of the place. Her paranoia made it hard for her to trust the place, she never felt safe anymore

The End Of The Line | Newt fanfic | Book threeWhere stories live. Discover now