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<Taking Back What's Ours>

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<Taking Back What's Ours>

Robyn could feel her hands shake as she held the gun up to the door. The distant sound of footsteps were growing louder, and the group knew it wouldn't be long before the door opened. She held her breath as the quiet sound of a scanner being used behind the door slightly echoed.


The doors slid open, revealing the shocked and horrified face of a wicked guard, who was greeted by four guns being pointed towards him.

Before the man could move a muscle, Thomas pulled back the trigger and allowed the gun to fire a ray of electricity through the air. It hit him directly in his chest, blasting him backwards and onto the floor.

Robyn smirked behind her mask, casually walking past the injured soldier on the floor along with the boys, before lifting her gun up ready to fire.

It wasn't long before the rest of the wicked soldiers noticed their presence and immediately began firing their way. However, the group wasn't threatened in the slightest, all of them returning the fire and being successful with their hits.

One after the other they fell down to the floor, squealing out in pain.

"Piece of shit" Robyn kicked one of the guards as she moved past, before dragging him over to the centre so they could keep an eye of them all.

Once the room was secured and all guards were taken care of, Gally gathered them in.

"Start opening the bunks, get them all out of here!" He said to the three of them, who all nodded in response.

Robyn rushed over to the far right door. As she approached, she noticed a small group of terrified kids, hiding and shaking in the corners of their small room. Unfortunately, Robyn forgot her mask was still on and as she looked through the glass, her image scaring them even more.

"Oh no, no" She quickly took her mask off, her brown her flowing down to her shoulders, "It's okay, it's okay"

The kids stared at her, their eyes wide and full of fear. Their little bodies were shaking and cowering, unaware of the good person she was. It pained her to see them like this, alone, afraid and damaged. They reminded her of her younger self. No child should have to go through this.

Her hands quickly reached for the keypad, typing in the code she spent hours rehearsing so she could remember it.

"57634" She mumbled.

The light flashed green and the door slowly peeled open. Robyn pushed herself through the door slowly, trying her best not to scare them anymore.

"It's okay, I'm not one of those" She looked around the room, not a single child looked happy. It was devastating, "Just come on out"

The kids were hesitant at first, sharing glances between one another, until one small blonde boy took the first step.

"That's it, come on now" Robyn spoke gently.

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