< seven >

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< Split Second >

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< Split Second >

Gally peeled back the grid cover, and Robyn peered down the deep, dark hole. It seemed as if it never ended and made her feel queasy as she looked down.

Robyn stepped back for her own sake, whilst also moving out of the way so Gally could carefully
slide a set of ladders down.  The whole group of friends watched closely as the boy secured them into place in silence. Once he had placed them down, Robyn reached for Newt's hand, but he wasn't there. She quickly spun around, catching sight of him in the far corner, isolated from the rest of them.

Unaware he was being watched, Newt scrambled to tuck the bottom of his pants into his boots until they completely covered his ankle. Once he had done that, he squeezed his hand tightly, clenching it into a fist whilst his over hand rested on his wrist like he was in discomfort.

"Hey" Robyn whispered to him, walking over to his side, "Are you okay?"

The boy jumped like he was startled and cleared his throat, "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"You just looked like you was in pain, your wrist" Robyn tried to reach for his hand but the boy moved it away quickly, tucking it into his jacket pocket.

"I had cramp, that's all" Newt avoided her gaze.

"I know when you're lying, your nose twitches" Robyn laughed, smiling at the boy, "But i'm not going to interrogate you"

He finally looked up, "I appreciate that"

Robyn smiled, "Well come on, we're leaving"

Newt nodded, but stayed in place for a few seconds, watching his girlfriend walk back to their friends, "Hey Rob" He called out, making her spin on her heels.

"Yes Newt" She tilted her head.

"I love you, you know that right?"

Robyn raised an eyebrow, "Why are you being soppy all of a sudden?"

"Just tell me that you know" Newt looked at her with big eyes.

"Of course I know, you tell me everyday" Robyn took one step closer.

"It's still not enough" Newt shook his head, "It'll never be enough"

"Newt, it's more than enough" Robyn said quietly, walking towards him before kneeling down beside him "And I love you too"

"I know you do" Newt mumbled, placing her loose strands of hair behind her ear, "I'm sorry"

"What's going on with you Newt? You're acting so strange" Robyn tugged on his arm, a slight giggle escaping her lips, "Now come on"

She dragged the blonde boy over to the hole in the ground, which was now surrounded by their group of mates, examining it closely.

"Be careful you lot" Jorge warned, before pointing at Robyn, "You especially hermana"

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