Chapter Seven

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Charlotte found it hard to believe that Damon hadn't actually had any proper experience with babies before. Everything he did with Freddie seemed to come to him like second nature and, apart from the odd worried glance at Charlotte, he seemed to be relaxed and happy in his company.

Damon had brought so many things for Freddie, and a few safe gifts for Charlotte, and they were both currently sat on the floor, pushing his new cars around to each other. Damon was screeching ridiculously loudly every time Fred's car came near his, which just made the little boy fall back with laughter every time.

"I think we should get him in the bath soon" Charlotte spoke softly, not wanting to ruin their fun but also being very aware of the clock getting nearer to nine o'clock "It's getting late"

Both of the boys looked up at Charlotte in unison, the same unsure look on their faces, as they pouted at her words. Laughter escaped her lips as she looked between them, she wasn't entirely sure who was more disappointed.

"No Mama!" Freddie exclaimed angrily, his eyebrows furrowing as he shook his head and slammed the heels of his feet against the floor.

Damon flashed Charlotte a sudden concerned look, Freddie has been on an absolute high and behaved as good as gold all day. But now, with a tantrum looming, she could see how out of his depth Damon currently felt.

She got up from her seat on the sofa, picking Freddie up under the arms and holding him out at arms length so that his flailing arms and legs couldn't hit her.

"You know you have a bath before bed Freddie" She explained calmly, wanting nothing more than to just hug the screaming boy, but also knowing just how much his body parts hurt when they forcefully come into contact with her "It's getting really late darling"

"No bath" He shouted, desperately trying to wriggle out of her grip "No sleep"

"I know Red, but we're all going to bed now too" She told him, stifling her laughter at Damon's sudden confused face, he wasn't planning on going to bed yet.

"And Dada?" Freddie questioned, the tears suddenly gone as he looked curiously at his mother.

"He's going to bed too" She reassured him, before directing her glance across to Damon "Aren't you?"

"Er, yeah I am" He stuttered out nervously, clearing not fully understanding Charlotte's desperation for him to go along with what she was saying.

Deciding that Damon's words were enough to convince him into going to bed, Freddie rested his head on his mother's shoulder. His blue eyes peeking over it to make sure his father was following behind them.

They gave Freddie a bath together and Charlotte felt certain that she'd never seen the young boy laugh so much. Freddie discovered that Damon would yelp every time he splashed water onto him, which just made him splash constantly and laugh hysterically at his fathers over-dramatic actions.

Charlotte got Freddie dried and into a new pair of pyjamas before tucking him up in bed. She was looking for his book when Damon knocked gently at the door before poking his head round.

"Mind if I say goodnight?" He asked quietly, Charlotte's eyes roamed over his body, he'd changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. It was such a simple outfit but it made him look so good, enough for Charlotte to have to tear her eyes away from him.

"You don't need to ask" She laughed forcefully as she spoke, hoping that would help to relieve some of the heat in her cheeks.

By the time she had given herself some time to calm down and found Freddie's book, she turned around to see Damon in bed next to him.  Freddie was resting his head on Damon's chest and Damon was gently playing with Freddie's hair. Looking at how comfortable they were together, Charlotte found it unbelievably hard to believe that this was only really their first proper day together.

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