Chapter Nine

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Charlotte didn't regret sleeping with Damon, but as she laid next to her sleeping son, after sneaking out of Damon's room once he fell asleep, she couldn't help but wonder if it was a bit of a stupid mistake. Had she really ended up sleeping with him after spending one day with him? Were her morals and self-respect really that weak?

As she laid in bed, following the patterns on the ceiling with her eyes it suddenly hit her. He had a girlfriend. The thought of her having slept with a man who was in a relationship made her want to vomit, surely Damon must've had far more to drink last night then what she'd realised. No matter how bad he had told her things between them were, surely he wouldn't have cheated on her that easily at least, not if he were sober. Or so Charlotte hoped.

Her and Damon had been getting on well, but now she couldn't help but think that they had gotten on too well. Seeing how incredible he was with Freddie made her heart feel fuller than ever, but now all she could think about was wether she'd blown Freddie's chance of a stable relationship with his father all through her selfish actions.

She felt Freddie begin to stir next to her and as the reality of spending another day with Damon hit her, she suddenly wished, more than ever, that she was anywhere but here, in his house, with no escaping the confrontation.

"Good morning darling" She whispered, watching as his eyelids slowly opened to reveal his blue eyes. His fathers blue eyes.

He lifted his head up before grinning at his mother, just from that smile, Charlotte could already see that he was full of energy, regardless of the fact it was only just gone six o'clock in the morning.

"Dada up?" He questioned eagerly, his eyes now completely awake as he looked at his mother expectantly.

Charlotte laughed lightly, running her hands through his hair before placing a kiss on his golden locks.

"Not yet Red, he's still asleep" She responded, closing her eyes and pretending to snore. She hoped that her actions would make the little boy laugh, but instead when she opened her eyes she was greeted with his wide eyes and wobbling bottom lip.

"Now" He shouted, his hands curling up into fists as he hit the duvet whilst kicking his legs underneath it "Dada now!"

"He's asleep, we can't wake him up yet it's too early" She told him gently, taking ahold of his hands as she tried to uncurl them from the fists he had made them into "He was up late, we need to let him sleep"

Charlotte flinched slightly as Freddie suddenly screamed, his face turning red as tears started to fall down his cheeks. The noises coming from his mouth only grew louder and louder as he grew angrier with the concept of not being able to see his father yet. Charlotte knew that nothing she could say would comfort him, so as she saw the door open and a pyjama-clad Damon appear she felt slightly relieved, no matter how tired he looked.

Freddie was so caught up in his outburst that he didn't realise Damon had entered the room, the realisation only hitting him as Damon climbed into the bed. His screaming suddenly stopped, his mouth opening into an excited smile as he threw himself on top of Damon, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Morning mate" He yawned, running his hand through Freddie's hair before turning his head so he was looking at Charlotte "Morning Lottie"

"Sorry for waking you up" She mumbled, suddenly feeling very overwhelmed by the fact he was lying in bed next to her again.

"S'alright" He smiled, though his tired eyes told another story "I want to be woken up by him"

Charlotte hummed in agreement, feeling almost certain that he wouldn't be saying that if he were woken up by him every day. The three of them fell silent and judging by Freddie's breathing, Charlotte was almost certain he had fallen asleep on Damon's chest.

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