Chapter Sixteen

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A/N - don't wanna brag or anything but I'm on a roll.

Enjoy xx

Saying goodbye to Damon felt like one of the hardest things Charlotte had ever had to do, which she couldn't help but feel the irony of, considering she was practically living in poverty only a few months ago.

With that being said, she couldn't deny that the past few weeks had practically flown by. She'd never so much as visited Notting Hill before, so now that they were living here, both her and Fred had a lot of exploring to do.

It didn't take them long to find a plethora of parks in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park and they could easily kill the majority of a day walking around each one.

Their confessions of love to one another before Damon went away had left a certain spring in Charlotte's step. He loved her. It also meant that Fred could truly relish in their new lifestyle, particularly now his mother was feeling a tiny bit less guilty about it all, ice creams in the park, new toys and matching socks.

"Fred loves Mama" The little blonde boy grinned, as they walked back home, hands being held and swung between them.

"Mama loves Fred too" She laughed, momentarily wondering how she got quite so lucky to have this boy as her son.

"Fred loves Dada" He continued, a brief unsure look flashing across his face "Dada at work"

"He'll be home very very soon and I know he can't wait to give you a big cuddle" His mothers words were enough to ease any uncertainty, he couldn't wait to see his Dad again.

Charlotte noticed how much better her Son was sleeping now that they lived with Damon. A mixture of fresh air, a warm bath and a full tummy every night worked wonders for him.

She also slept better, especially now that she was favouring Damon's bed. Though she definitely laid awake each night, imagining how the bed will feel with him asleep next to her once again.

Charlotte had busied herself each evening, tidying up from the day, putting washing away and just generally making sure the house looked clean and tidy. She hadn't seen anyone other than Freddie since Damon left, which is why someone knocking at the door was so surprising.

She cautiously opened the door, frowning as it revealed someone she'd never seen before, she stared at him, desperately trying to figure out if she recognised him from anywhere.

"Is Damon home?" He grinned, his eyes wandering to look her up and down "Sorry love, I don't think we've met before"

"No, we haven't" She hesitated, her fingers tightening on the doorframe "Sorry, Damon's not here"

"The bastard's fucking moved again without telling me, I tell you what, it would be easier to keep track of a fucking-" The man ranted,  eye rolls punctuating his words.

"- No, no, no, sorry" Charlotte interjected "This is his house, he's just away, blur are doing some shows in America"

He nodded at her words, his eyes wondering across her again before a frown appeared on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He quizzed, Charlotte could tell he was trying to see past her. Maybe he thought she was a crazed fan holding the blonde heartthrob hostage.

"Sorry" She mocked, sarcastic laughter falling from her lips "Who are you?"

"I'm Jamie" He smirked, sticking his hand out in way of a handshake peace offering "Jamie Hewlett"

"And you're Damon's friend?" She asked suspiciously, deliberately ignoring his hand "I'll let him know that you stopped by once he's home"

She smiled politely at him, before going to close the door, though he stuck his foot in the way. His actions made Charlotte feel instantly unwell, it was just her and Fred here, what was she meant to do if he forced his way in. She didn't even know who he was.

"Look, I was hoping I could spend the night here" He mumbled, his words made Charlotte feel even worse "My girlfriends kicked me out and I haven't got anywhere else to go"

She instantly shook her head at his words, no way was she letting this stranger stay in a house which wasn't hers, whilst her son slept upstairs.

"Look Jamie, I'm really sorry but I can't let you stay, I've never even heard Damon mention you before"

"Please" He sighed, his true vulnerability showing "I haven't got anywhere else to go"

She chewed on her lip as she weighed up her options, he did seem genuine enough and he knew Damon lived here, which had to count for something. Besides, Charlotte decided in her head, she could always stay awake all night to keep an eye on things and then have a pyjama day with Fred tomorrow.

"Fine" She declared "Only for tonight"

Though she would never admit it, Charlotte was quite enjoying Jamie's company. It didn't take them long to get past the awkward phase of not knowing the other and now conversation was easily flowing between them. She had also decided that Jamie wasn't a threat, he had helped himself to a bottle of wine and two glasses with such ease that he had to have been here before.

"So Damon and you are a relatively new thing?" He probed "It's just, he normally doesn't keep his girlfriends secret, especially when they're as pretty as you"

Charlotte laughed at his words, sipping from her glass as she decided on what to say to him next.

"I've been living with him for a few months" She smiled, deciding to throw caution to the wind, it's not like their situation was a complete secret "Damon's the father of my, well our, son"

They sat in silence for a few moments as she watched Jamie process her words. Charlotte didn't even know Jamie but yet she was desperate for his validation, she just wanted somebody in Damon's life to be on board with their situation.

"And Damon's happy?" He asked cautiously, Charlotte nodded her head in response.

"He seems to be" She smiled "I've followed his lead on everything"

"It doesn't surprise me" He laughed in response "That he's had a secret child or that he's loving it"

Charlotte instantly felt relieved at his words, she couldn't quite believe that he seemed to be accepting and almost understanding of the situation. She had wanted an ally in their crazy situation for such a long time.

"You're sure Damon's not going to mind you staying here?" She asked one last time, as she made a bed up for him. Hours had flown by and they were now both well and truly ready to sleep.

"No of course not, we get on in our own way" He responded, a grin on his lips as he lit his final cigarette of the night "Damon and I have, shall we say, a very marmite friendship"

Deciding that was enough to ease any small doubts she had left and she was too exhausted to really question him anymore. Especially when she felt like she finally had someone who she couldn't refer to as a friend.

"Night Jamie, see you in the morning"

"Night Charlotte, sleep well love"

Charlotte wanted to scream as she was awoken abruptly, but she was too startled for anything to come out.

Damon was stood right there.

"Hello Lottie darling" he grinned, stripping into his boxers before joining her in bed "I wanted to surprise you"

"I can't believe you're here" she grinned, her hands skimming across his body, through his hair just to make sure he was really there.

After a brief catch up, they were both too exhausted for anything more and really, all Damon wanted to know was that Charlotte and Freddie were both well, they cuddled up to one another.

"Your friend is in the spare room by the way" She mumbled to him as the thought crossed her mind, she could feel Damon tense up behind her.

"My friend?" He questioned, he had deliberately been cautious with who he had introduced Charlotte to "Who?"

"Jamie Hewlett" She forced out, sleep and the complete relaxation of being in Damon's arms, was taking over.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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