Chapter Fifteen

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A/N - Another chapter already?! I also don't know what's come over me. This is SHORT but I wanted to fill a gap and sort of give a bit more context and line things up.

All of the comments on the previous chapter made me so happy, so thank you for still supporting this story!

Enjoy xx

"Lottie, can we talk?"

"I can't go, I can't leave without a bit more certainty" Charlotte couldn't help but laugh bitterly at his words.

"You need a bit more certainty?" She mocked, watching as he walked around the bed, before lying down next to her "You're the one fucking off, what about Fred? What about me?"

"Easy darling" He laughed, Charlotte couldn't help but wonder how he could always be so sure of himself, even when he was clearly feeling so vulnerable "I'm not fucking off, I know it feels like that, but I'm not. It's out of my control Lottie"

Her heart was beating heavy in her chest, she knew he was right and she knew it was out of his control but she couldn't help but feel unbelievably overwhelmed by the situation. She needed Damon, she couldn't possibly cope without him.

"What if things are different when you get back?" The words started to tumble out of her mouth faster than she was thinking them "What if you want me and Fred gone when you're back? What if you realise that you don't want us here anymore? What am I meant to do without you here, I can't stay here and live here without you, it's your home Damon"

"Slow down love" He sighed, letting his fingers interlock with hers. A part of him feeling overly excited at how she allowed it, in fact, he was almost certain that she'd tightened her grip on his hand "You have my word that I'm not going to want you and Fred gone, in fact, I'm going to be counting down the days until I'm back here with you and I don't know how many times I need to tell you this but this is not my home, it is our home darling, everything here is just as much yours as it is mine"

"But you don't know that Dames, you don't know how you're going to feel once you're away from us" She argued, she wasn't sure where all of this was coming from, but she just couldn't stop it.

"Trust me Lottie, how I feel isn't going to change"

"But how do you know that Damon, you simply don't" Charlotte threw at him, suddenly realising how his blue eyes were focusing on hers. Once she noticed, she couldn't seem to bring herself to look away.

"I love our life together Damon and I love how you are with Red and I love feeling like a family and I think" Charlotte stalled on her words, what she wanted to say was on the tip of her tongue but she was struggling to get it out "I just, I think, I think I love you Damon"

Charlotte couldn't believe the grin which took over his face, though she didn't have long to admire it before Damon was pressing his lips against hers.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that?" He laughed, running his hands though her hair, before letting their lips collide again "It would be such a privilege to have you as my girlfriend"

A/N I promise the upcoming chapters will have a bit more drama, it's been too fluffy recently! Any guesses on what I've got lined up?👀

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