Chapter Eight

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Freddie had settled down almost instantly as soon as his eyes landed on his mother, though Charlotte couldn't say the same about herself, her heart was still racing. She couldn't decide if it was caused by the rush of panic that had soared through her body at the sound of her son's cry or if she was still riding on the adrenaline that had shot through her body as her lips briefly touched Damon's.

Damon. Charlotte was certain that her heartbeat spiked at the thought of him, let alone what they were just moments away from doing downstairs. She yearned to be back in his presence, or more specifically, back with her lips brushing against his.

She tucked the duvet once again around the sleeping boy's body, pushing his blonde fringe off of his forehead before placing a kiss on the exposed skin. She couldn't help but laugh at what her son had interrupted so innocently just moments before.

"Thanks for the distraction Red"

She had to practically force herself to walk back downstairs, once she had realised what had actually almost happened downstairs, getting into bed with Freddie suddenly seemed far more tempting then going back to see him. As much as the thought of Damon's eyes looking at her in that way again made her stomach tense up, she knew she couldn't let it brew until morning. She'd spent far too long dreaming of having this opportunity with Damon that she knew she couldn't do anything that could jeopardise it like this.

"Is he okay?" He asked as soon as his eyes landed on Charlotte "Sorry, I didn't know what to do-"

"-he's fine Damon" She smiled reassuringly, taking a seat back on the sofa, painfully far away from where she was previously. She caught Damon's eye, their glance causing his lips to briefly turn upwards. He knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Fucking hell, that was horrible" He sighed, shaking his head roughly as he fiddled absentmindedly with the blanket that was still on his lap.

Charlotte wasn't sure whether he meant Freddie's cry or their almost kiss, she hoped more than anything that it was the former, and that was what she was planning on going along with.

"I know Damon, but he's fine, I promise" She told him, flashing him a smile as their eyes met again, he nodded his head, seemingly more content with her answer.

They both sat in an awkward silence, their previous interaction hanging heavily in the air between them. Charlotte knew she didn't, and wasn't, going to be the person to bring it up, yet she was also desperate not to loose what little they had between them.

"You don't have to sit so far away" He mumbled, the air of confidence he had around him previously seemed to have disappeared completely.

Charlotte laughed nervously, shaking her head to try and disguise the blush on her cheeks. She wanted to move next to him, but she knew the moment had passed, she couldn't just try and pick up where they left off.

"As tempting as it is" She mused, standing up before turning round to face him again, widening her eyes as she smirked at him "I need to go to bed, I'm shattered"

"At least finish the film with me, love" He responded, his lips forming into a pout as he too widened his eyes.

"Okay, then I've really got to get to bed" She grinned, sitting back down as close to him as she felt she could get.

"More wine?" He asked, though he was topping up her glass and passing it over to her before she could respond.

They clinked their glasses before returning their attention back to the video Damon had paused, it didn't take long, or many sips of wine, for Charlotte to realise how little attention she had previously paid to the television.

"Damon, what are we even watching?" She laughed, directing her frown to the blonde haired man next to her.

"We're you not paying any attention Lottie?" Damon tutted his grin shining through his words, though Charlotte's heart had skipped a beat upon hearing the nickname he had given her.

"Yeah, well I was a bit distracted" She mused, the wine suddenly giving her a boost of confidence to see just how much she could say to him.

"Oh really?" He gasped, turning his attention from the television to look at her in mock-shock "Why's that then darling?"

She raised her eyebrows at him, though his piercing blue eyes sent the heat rising in her cheeks and it didn't take her long to drop her gaze down. The way he was looking at her was the most intimidating, yet captivating, look she had ever witnessed.

"Oh yeah, I wonder why" She mumbled, laughing into her glass before she took another sip of the golden liquid. A breath hitched in the back of her throat as she removed the glass from her mouth, she could have sworn Damon's face wasn't just that close to hers.

"Was it something like this?" He questioned, a smirk on his lips, as his eyes darted to briefly look at Charlotte's lips before they returned to her eyes.

Before Charlotte could think of something witty to say back to him, he had pressed his lips against hers. She couldn't really remember the night she had spent with him all that clearly, but she was almost certain that his lips felt like they'd never left hers, it felt completely natural. She hated herself for using such a cliché but it did truly feel meant to be.

Damon had managed to remove the glass from her hand, placing it on the coffee table as he kept his lips moving effortlessly against hers. Charlotte took the hint from him and moved herself across so that she was practically straddling his lap, his hands coming up to tangle themselves in her hair as he pulled her closer to him.

"Not here" She muttered breathlessly as she briefly pulled away from him, she could feel and almost taste the smirk on his lips as she reattached her lips to them.

He travelled his arms down from her hair before wrapping them around her back, holding her close to him as he stood up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling her lips from his so he could see where he was going, but instead placing her lips against his exposed neck. She felt an animalistic urge wash over her as she sucked and nibbled desperately against his skin, leaving love bites in her wake.

Charlotte felt one of Damon's hands leave her back as he opened the door to his bedroom, closing the door behind him with his foot before laying her down on the bed. Their lips reattached as his hands now made their way hungrily down her body, eagerly fumbling to undo the buttons on her clothing.


Hi strangers, did we all know it was going to end like this? Yes we did. Did we enjoy it anyway? I hope so.

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