Chapter Seventeen

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Amabelle's POV


A girl sacrificed everything for the ones she loved by leaving it all behind.

Then she met a beast. Or what she thought was a beast that turned out to be a man. A man with scars, imperfections, and his own stubbornness to match hers. Nevertheless the longer the girl tried to deny it the harder it was to admit that he changed her.

Made her stronger. And for better or worse, she was falling for him.

This, this was my reality.

The girl in the mirror, this girl. She was me.

My lips parted, closed. A smile.

I reached up and touched my mouth, felt the slightly chapped skin. My stomach fluttered, thinking about Dante's lips which had been there just some time ago. It probably wouldn't be long before they would be there again tonight.

Filled with giddy and reckless excitement, I changed into dry clothing and headed downstairs. Dante told me to meet him at the ballroom balcony, that he had a very private, and special dinner planned for the two of us.

A heavenly smell weaved through the ballroom air as I strolled in. Though bare, the ballroom was beautiful. But there was no sign of Dante. Nevertheless, the butterflies never left my stomach. I couldn't wait to see what tonight would bring.

Excitedly, I practically skipped to the ballroom balcony. The doors were already open when I arrived, showing no other than Dante waiting patiently for me. He had a black dress shirt and dark pants to match. What stood out in the low light of the setting sun and against his dark clothes were his incredible, sparkling blue eyes.

He smiled at me, making me grin in return. "Welcome to dinner."

In front of Dante was a small table set exquisitely for two. Even the silverware appeared romantic like it was made of pure ice. The glasses were created from white quartz and the napkins had red roses and vinery expertisely sown into them.

"Wow," I breathed, the wonderful smell from earlier immensely stronger now that I was here.

Dante stepped toward me and handed me a box. Shocked, I looked up at him, my cheeks blooming. "What's this?"

He smiled a very genuine endeared smile. "A gift."

I swallowed, continuing to be amazed by Dante. "I don't know if I can accept this-"

"Please," He interrupted me, squeezing my hands over the box. "I want you to have it."

Blinking several times, and filled with this never-ending giddiness, I glanced down at the box. It was small, and could practically fit in one hand. Trembling in anticipation, I slipped the lid off the small velvet box, finding the most beautiful necklace I had ever seen.

A gasp came from me in awe of the jewelry in front of me. It was not a long necklace, but the beading was simple and all diamond cut till it got to the pendent which was a moonstone. Just from looking at the diamonds, I knew the necklace was worth more than my entire house in my old pack.

Snapping my head back at him in shock, I shook my head. "Oh Dante, it's far too expensive and-"

I was cut off completely as Dante placed his lips along mine. He kissed me so gently, but firmly. I felt the simmering heat of our spark, the feeling dizzying. When he moved his head away, I could feel my wolf whine in protest.

Since I had been rendered speechless, Dante took advantage of that. "It's yours. May I?"

He gestured his hands as he lifted the necklace from the box. Dante smirked, my cheeks still ablaze.

The Lonely King (Book 1 of the Shadows, Roses and Ice Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now