Chapter Thirty

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Amabelle's POV

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked while lying in my mate's warm embrace.

Dante hummed, brushing his nose through the tendrils of my curls until it was against the back of my neck. I let out a breathless sigh as he kissed the sensitive skin between my neck and my ear. My stomach fluttered, a shiver chasing after ecstasy down my spine. Still recovering from our fun, I reveled in the high he had already given me.

"I'm taking you," he paused, drawing his index finger up and down my bare abdomen so gently that I almost let out a moan, "Far away, to the place I grew up in."

A smile touched my lips softly while I twisted in his grasp so I could look up at him. "Oh really?"

Dante's perfect lips curved into a smirk. "Yes mon amour, it's actually my favorite place in existence."

I batted my eyelashes. "Besides being between my thighs?"

His eyes narrowed, but the smirk remained. "Oh sweet rose, there is no other place I love more than that, you must know that by now."

I giggled flirtatiously and sunk into his warm chest. His skin was hot coal against my shivering body. The carriage was insulated, but not warm, and with our clothes piled on the floor, it was a bit chilly. Now that it was night, it was cooler outside too. We had already traveled almost a whole day's worth and wherever we were heading, the air was growing more bitter the further we got.

"How far away is it?" I pried, resting my fingers along his waist.

Dante sucked in a breath as I traced his hip bone. "Not much farther..."

I smirked, nearing his inner thigh. "Are we close?"

His breathing hitched. "Very close."

"Hmmm," I murmured, teasing my fingertips along his—

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Flying up out of his arms, I snatched my clothes and quickly dressed myself while Dante did the same. My face was on fire and my heart was racing. I had warned Dante of this the second he had started kissing me hours before, but he had told me we wouldn't be stopping for a long time. And now here we were, naked in the carriage whilst our friends were waiting outside the door.

Xavier cleared his throat after we didn't reply immediately. "Alpha Dante, Luna Amabelle, we have arrived at the halfway point."

"We'll be out momentarily," Dante growled, making me flinch at his harsh tone.

Xavier and the others must have been silent because no one said a word in response to Dante. Once we were both entirely dressed, we unlocked the carriage entry door and opened it. I breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Bonny-Lee and Adonia were only now exiting their own carriage while Marek and Jirri had just begun to dismount from their horses. No one except, perhaps Xavier was aware of just how unprepared we were to leave the carriage.

Thank the moon goddess.

Dante helped me out of the carriage, holding his hand out for me. Upon stepping out onto the cobblestone road, Xavier averted his eyes from mine, his face reddened and flustered. My mate simply rolled his eyes and playfully smacked the back of his shoulder. I frowned at Dante and moved away from him to my friends while he threatened Xavier to keep his mouth shut.

The nighttime air whipped around us as we trotted down the cobblestone path. Adonia informed me that we were in a settlement named Arcowes, which was a small city a little ways from where Dante and the pack were originally settled. Bonny-Lee chimed in to say that this place was known for its nightlife and some of the pack would frequent the city for dancing, drinking, and eating to forget their troubles. Some came in hopes of finding their mates, but more often than not, most did not leave with their soul-bound partners.

The Lonely King (Book 1 of the Shadows, Roses and Ice Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now