Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Amabelle's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, Alpha Dante Reddick, king of the Ember Wolf pack, alongside his new bride, Luna, and now queen of the Ember Wolf pack, Amabelle Reddick," Xavier announced us with a loud, booming voice over the crowd that waited inside the enormous ball room.

I swallowed nervously, taking in each person that eyed us, enveloped in each expression of envy, respect, admiration or curiousity. Dante's arm that was linked in mine was warm and reminded me that I was not alone. We were in this together, as one. Standing tall, we both strolled past our subjects and guests with confidence despite any hindrance or insecurity that was hidden inside me.


I was a queen.

The crowd stood from their seats, clapping as we entered the gorgeously decorated ballroom.  The theme of teal blue and amber gold was everywhere I looked, in the bouquets of flowers, the centerpieces, the hanging flowers and gems from the ceilings. It was stunning, so jaw droppingly beautiful, it was hard to believe this was my wedding.

Finally seated, we took our place at the head of the long table in the front of the room. Shortly after, my bridesmaids and Dante's groomsmen all joined on either side us. Once we were all seated, the band began to play and chatter filled the intense silence. Food was served as well, starting with an italian chopped salad and side of gazpacho soup. It was delicious, and maybe a little too fancy for my taste, but everyone else loved it. Our main course was smoked, lemon zested salmon. That was my favorite, I savored every bite Dante, who noticed how much I liked it, even saved me part of his to which I gladly ate. I also stuffed myself with challah and rye bread. We were then offered watermelon salad with mint and I gladly accepted.

Later, once dinner was finished, the dancing commenced. Being the King and Queen, we were offered the first dance. Though my heart was pounding and my stomach was a cage of butterflies, all it took was a smirk from Dante and his offered hand for me to stand up from my seat.

Hand in hand, Dante lead me to the wide open dance floor, memories from the first time flooding my head. I smiled, remembering how easy it had been, how perfectly simple it had been for Dante and I to fall into rhythm.

Like we had traveled back in time to that night, I forgot completely about the many eyes watching us. Dante's hands met my waist, while mine rested on his shoulders, our eyes locked.

"You look so beautiful," Dante's roughened voice made chills skate across my skin.

"Thank you," I replied, offering a small shy smile with my cheeks blooming.

Dante spun me out, the light airy ripples of the dress swishing with our fluid movement. I let out a small uncontrollable, giddy laugh, tossing my hands out and back to Dante once I was thrown into his embrace. Together, we twirled on the dance floor just like that for a long time, earning cheers and applause from the audience I had long forgotten about.

Glancing around, I noticed people begin entering the dance floor to join us. Eventually the music sped up and changed to a more upbeat melody, making for a faster paced dance. I felt the weight and pressure of eyes lift up off my shoulders, easing the tension in my body. Finally feeling comfortable in my own skin again, I let out a sigh.

"Is this everything you could have dreamed for?" Dante asked me, a teasing twinkle to his eyes.

Biting my lip, I tried not to grin. "Almost."

His eyebrow arched. "Oh? What is missing?"

I was suddenly aware of his tightened grip on my hips. Sucking in a breath, the corresponding fiery sparks erupted from his touch, spreading throughout my body.

The Lonely King (Book 1 of the Shadows, Roses and Ice Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now