Chapter Fifteen

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Amabelle's POV

Right about now, dinner was starting in the dining hall. Everyone would be taking their seats, offering hellos and casual conversation. Dante would arrive, taking his seat at the head of the table. His flashing, ocean blue eyes would waltz around the room, making sure all of his pack members were seated. Inevitably his eyes would wander to the seat next to him, where I should be.

But I wasn't there.

I was far from the dining hall. Far away from everyone.

My body lied paralyzed on the floor of my room, slow tears dripping off my cheeks. Yes, I was physically in the castle, yet I wasn't there.

A numbness fell over me while I lied there, sort of like a coping mechanism protecting me from my own emotions. It was a shield from the sick feeling in my stomach and the crawling, dirty ghost of Kamil's touch that lingered.

I needed to get him off.

"I am going to make you mine."

Shuddering, I sat up and limply made myself walk to the bathroom. The urge to vomit was strong when I saw myself in the mirror. I couldn't help but stare at the ugly darkened fuchsia bruises starting at the base of my throat and to my collarbone. They appeared swollen almost.

Raising a finger I gently pressed on the tender skin patches. Grimacing, I felt loose tears trail down my face.

"No," I whispered, wiped my face, and shook my head.

A choking sound came out of my mouth, my whole body trembling while I sat down on the bottom of the bathtub. Even though I sat alone, I didn't feel safe.

I didn't feel clean.

I had to get him off.

Turning on the water, I sat fully clothed in the pooling water around me. I couldn't bear the thought of being exposed and alone in this room.

What if Kamil found me in here?

Even if I were to leave to try and find Dante, Kamil could still find me and corner me. And something much worse could happen...

Shivering, I noticed, in my shattered mental state, I had turned on the cold water, not the hot water. In a panic, I turned off the water, and sat with my knees to my chest. Soaked to the bone now, my body chilled in the icy water surrounding me.

All of a sudden there was knock at my bedroom door. Not a heavy knock, a quiet, gentle knock. Despite how calm it was, a wretched fear made me go rigid. A dreaded thought ran through my head that the person at the door was Kamil. Immovable, I sat waiting for a voice or a sign.


My body automatically relaxed slightly recognizing Dante's distinct voice. However, no sound would come out. I realized in that moment Dante didn't know what had happened.

The bruises.

Whimpering in panic, I curled up into the corner of the bathtub in attempt to make myself smaller. I didn't want him to see me like this, but at the same time I needed Dante desperately right now.

"Mon amour?" His voice was soft as fresh winter snow, and still I couldn't make words.

He sounded concerned now, knocking a little more urgently. Left with no response, he sighed against the wood paneling.

"Amabelle, I'm coming in, okay?" He announced cautiously.

I swallowed nervously. My stomach in knots and my heart pounding, I waited in the tub, listening to his heavy footsteps into my room. The door shut softly behind him.

The Lonely King (Book 1 of the Shadows, Roses and Ice Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now