Chapter Seven

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Author's Note/Disclaimer

Soooooo I suck. Because this is the first update in three months.😬😅 anyway, also I apologize more because this chapter is also like 50 pages long. Hahaaaaa.

Anyway! I love you guys! Continue reading!



Screaming my eyes flew open and I came face to face with Adonia, Bonny-Lee and Jirri. They were all crowded around my bed smiling and laughing like a bunch of morons. Of course Jirri was laughing the most. He seemed to have enjoyed my panic attack.

I groaned, throwing my blanket over my head. "What are you guys doing in here?"

A hand reached out, and snatched the blanket clean off me. Cold air greeted my toes and shivers raced down my spine. Making a weird animalistic sound of both anger and annoyance I rolled off my bed, and lay face down on the ground. Laughter followed, mostly Jirri, who I assumed was the culprit of removing my covers.

"Get out!" I bellowed, grumpily pouting while being curled up in a ball on the floor.

"You know, you're more like Dante than you realize," came a sarcastic comment from Jirri. "He hates when we wake him early. I'll never forget the day we woke him up on his birthday and fooled him into thinking that giant horses had taken over the kingdom. I'll never forget how quickly he got up slurred speech, and half drool commanding that we attack them. He even got suited up for battle. Then he discovered there were never big horses attacking and instead we made him a big cake."

The story made everyone laugh, except me who was still royally pissed that they had woken me up for no apparent reason. Huffing, I stomped over to my closet and began looking through the millions of dresses. I might as well get ready since they decided to make their appearance earlier than normal.

Grumpily I picked something random. It was a jasmine colored gown with a satin covered top, long thin almost see through pale lavender sleeves and flowers that decorated the shoulders and the mid waist. I brought it with me out of the closet and glared at the three of them as they still stood there smug trying not to laugh.

"You need to get out of my room so I can change." I scowled.

Jirri smirked and Bonny-Lee winked at him. Adonia just giggled.

"I mean it," I growled lowly, a warning.

"How do we know after we leave you won't just go back to bed?" Jirri said slyly, crossing his arms over his chest, not budging.

Rolling my eyes, I stared at him irritably. "That would be a waste of my time seeing as my lovely new family woke me up before the rooster crows, and now I am fully awake."

Jirri stepped in front of me then. "I don't believe you."

I smirked right back up at him, "Fine."

Right as he thought he had won, I let my dress fall off of me, revealing me in my underwear. Bonny-Lee and Adonia gasped, laughter exploding from them and Jirri's eyes got so wide I thought they might pop out of his head. His face was redder than a rose petal from their gardens outside.

Glaring at me, he stormed out of the room. Adonia followed after him, giggling, and Bonny-Lee laughed and winked at me, running after both of them. Once they were gone, I shimmied myself into the dress and went to the bathroom to do my hair. Feeling lazy, and still annoyed, I decided to just tie my hair on top of my head into a bun.

The hallway was void of my companions when I came out. Where they had gone was unknown to me.

"Wonderful," I muttered.

The Lonely King (Book 1 of the Shadows, Roses and Ice Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now