Chapter 8 - Questions

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The next day Mr.McAllister took the whole class to a Brooklyn tour. It was really nice except that Adam and I haven't talked one word.

Early afternoon we get back to the hotel. Mr.McAllister gives us the choice "Either you relax by the pool or in the gym, I don't know were kids relax" He says and throws his arms in the air and frowns at us "Anyway you can do what you want in this hotel or start packing, if that what you wish for. I don't care as long as you all stay here, where it is safe and please, please behave" He begs and with that he walks to the elevator and disappears in one of them.

"Shall we go to the pool?" Sam asks us.

"Sure" I say and look after Adam who is going to the elevators with Ron. Keira snaps her fingers in front of me and tears me out of my trance.

"Breathe" She said and I noticed that I held me breath. I breathe again and follow her, Sam, Fiona, Hannah and Taylor to the elevators.

I start to think and get lost in my thoughts. Does he ignore me? Maybe he hates me now. Oh please don't hate him. I'd understand if he'd hate me, I let him stand and ran away like a bride who doesn't want to get married. What would be now if I stayed with him last night? Would we be a couple? Does he still love me after all that happened? I guess not otherwise he wouldn't ignore me. But maybe he thinks that I'm ignoring him. I mean duh I doesn't talk to him either. Should I talk to him?

Taylor snaps me out of my thoughts "El!"

"huh?" I ask. We all get out of the elevator and I let myself fall behind so that I walk behind them. "How is Adam?" I ask Taylor. Everyone turns around except him.

"I don't know" Taylor says "He doesn't talk to anyone, not even Sam" He tell us and Sam nods in agreement. "He says nothing since he came back yesterday" Taylor adds. "Like, what did you do to him?" He ask and I know he means it as a joke but I don't find it funny at all. Hannah punches him in the arm and he exclaims a loud "Ouch! What was that for?" He turns around and sees that everyone is glaring at him. "Sorry" He mutters.

I swear this was the longest walk to our room, ever! Fiona unlocks the door and we all rush in to get our swimsuits. Sam and Taylor went to their room to get change and told us to wait by the pool. It's winter but I'm sure the pool in the basement of the hotel is really big and very warm. I didn't had a bikini with me but furtunately Keira brought two. I take the white one and change in the bathroom after all the others. Then I wrap a towel around me and step out.

"Let's go" I say. We leave our room and in the elevator bump into Adam, Sam, Taylor and Ron.

"Hola mis chicas!" Sam exclaims. He always get's Spanish all of the sudden every time we go swimming. It's impossible to not like Sam. And If I had to spend my entire life in a small boat with one person I'd choose Sam. Sorry Keira-bear but you're too messy.

When we get to the basement and the pool looks amazing. No one else except for us is here. Taylor pushes Sam and he let out a loud high pitch scream when we hit the water. Everyone burst out laughing. I even get tears of laugher. All of the sudden some arms pick me up and throw me into the water.

When I get to top Hannah and Keira get just throw in by Taylor and Ron. "TAYLOR!" I shout and burst out laughing. He gives me a flying kiss and jumps in. Ron picks up Fiona and throws her inside too. I laugh and swim on my back, to the other side of the pool.

"Race is on, Jacobson!" Ron shouts and jumps in. He swims with full speed pass me and gets to the other end way quicker than me. "HA!" He yells when he reach the end.

"I chill okay!" I say and twist. I swim normal to the other end. Ron sits on the edge when I get to him. I sit next to him and he says "What's up with you and Adam. He won't tell me anything" Ron says.

I look around and spot Adam who gets the water ball. He jumps in and then he, Taylor, Sam and the girls play volleyball. Without a net though.

"And?" Ron asks. I look at him and then look at Adam again. "Are you going to tell me or what?"

"Sorry, it's just that--"

"Just what?" Ron asks. Damn he is so impatient.

"He wants me to be his girlfriend" I say.

"So what's the problem. You like him, don't you?"

"Yes but... the problem is me." I look at Adam again "I - I don't want him to be unhappy"

"Elisabeth, Adam is the happiest when he's with you and only with you." Ron tells me.

"But I have anxiety and panic attacks" I say and run my hands through the water.

"And he want's a dog" Ron says. The fact that he said the same as Adam last night makes me chuckle. I look at him trying to hide my smile "What? I though we'd say things that don't matter" He continues "Adam really really likes you and you didn't got this information from me but Adam does still love you"

"Even though I let him stand and ran away?" I ask.

"Even though you let him stand and ran aways" Ron agrees.

"Thanks Ronny" I say and get in the water again. "20 dollars that I'll reach them first" I say smirking. Ron gets into the water as well.

"It's on girl" He says. We swim to the other and I win.

"You can pay me in rates" I say. We both burst out laughing and join the others.

Blog entry: December 11th

No title

This may be the most randoms blog entry ever.

So I don't know I've already told you guys but I'm in New York! This is the last day or rather night. Tomorrow in the morning we'll leave and fly back. And I've noticed that my blog entries from the last few days had their up and down and well I guess this is another down.

Even though New York is one of the nicest places I've ever been to, I could enjoy it all the way. We've been here for not even a week and it was kinda stressful and like my teacher likes to say "It's part of the New Yorker experience!"

Being in a wonderful city and doing all the touristy stuff was really nice especially the shopping tour we did.

It wasn't nice though, to get a step closer to Will and then two steps back again. And to be honest it's not his fault at all. It's mine and my anxiety and panic attacks fault! God dammit! I always wonder what would be if I wouldn't have anxiety and panic attacks and I really really want to know how I can get rid off them BECAUSE anxiety and panic attacks shouldn't be part of my life. It shouldn't be part of anybody's life!

- Someone somewhere in this world

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