Chapter 16 - Hospital

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We get out of the car and I run into the hospital. Adam is parking the car and then follows me inside. The woman on the reception stand up and comes over to me.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No. Where's my dad" I ask her and she looks at me confused "Jacobson. Daniel Jacobson. Where is he?" I ask again "Where's my dad?!" I exclaim.

Another nurse comes to me and the two woman lead through the corridor to a room. It's the same room, my dad's room. But he's not here. Mum stand up from the couch and pull me into a hug.

"Elisabeth" She says and we both break into tears.

"Mum" I gasp and hug her back. "Mummy, I have a panic attack" I tell her.

"It's okay. It's alright. Let it out" She says and we both cry even more. Adam comes but stops at the doorframe. He looks scared and shocked and confused and afraid. My mum and I pull apart and she sits down again. I go over to Adam and take his hand. I pull him in and stop when we stand in front of my mother.

"Mum" I say and she looks up.

"Adam" She says and gives me a genuine smile. She stand up and hugs him. "I'm sorry that you have to see my like this" She says and pulls away. Adam says nothing.

"He drove me" I explain to her and she smiles even more. "Where is dad? And where is... Luke?" I ask her.

"Your father needs surgery and" She says and stand up "And they are taking blood from Luke... incase something goes wrong" She explains. I have no words. If I say something I will start to cry again. Mother walks over to her bag and takes her purse out.

"Adam could you" She stutters "Could buy something to eat for Luke, please."

"Of course" Adam says.

"I want my son to eat when he comes back" She explains.

"Of course" Adam says again. He kisses my head and turn to leave but I quickly pull him back and kiss his lips.

"I love you" I tell him.

"I love you too" He says and leaves. He closes the door behind him and I sit down on the couch. Mum starts going through her bag and then through the closet. She takes clothes out and throws them on the floor.

"Mum. Mum are you okay?" I ask and stand up again "Mum" I put my hands on her shoulders and sake her a bit "Mum!" I exclaim.

"I have a panic attack. I HAVE A PANIC ATTACK" She shouts and I pull her into a hug. "I have a panic attack, Elisabeth" She says and cries into my chest. I fight my tears and try to comfort my mother.

The door open again and Luke and a nurse step in. Mum and I immediately pull Luke in our hug and then I can't fight my tears again. I start to cry and nurse leaves the room.

"We have to be strong" Mum says and breaks the hug. "We have to be strong" She says. She picks up the clothes of the floor and put them back into the closet. "We have to be strong" She says over and over again.

Luke and I sit down on the sofa and I hold his hand. "I'm scared" Luke says while I wipe my tears away. I squeeze his hand softly. "I'm scared, Elisabeth" He says again.

"So am I, Luke" I tell him. The door opens again and we both jump up. It's Adam, he back and gives Luke a bag from McDonalds.

"How is he?" Adam asks, meaning my father.

"We don't know yet" My mum answers for me. Adam sits down next to me and holds my other head. He leans back and I rest my head on his shoulder. Luke also leans back and my mum sits down on the chair next to the empty bed.

"I'm with you" Adam says quietly.

"Thank you" I say and close my eyes.

"You look beautiful, El" My brother says.

"Thanks, Lukie" I say and softly squeeze his hand again. My eyes are close and I hear Adam breath. It calms me down and I fall asleep.

- - - -

When I wake up again, the empty bed get's push out by a nurse. Mum is not in the room and Luke is standing. Adam is still next to me and he looks kinds scared and relieved at the same time. Mum comes back in with a big smile in her face. If somebody would see her now, they'd never thought that she cried her eyes out tonight, more than just once. "Your father is okay but he can't remember some bits and pieces" Mum explains to me and Luke.

A bed get's push in and inside is my dad. I immediately smile when I see him. The nurse is pushing the bed into it's place and mum and Luke go over to him.

"I should go now" Adam says.

"No, please stay" I tell him and he nods.

"Okay" He says and hugs me. I kiss his cheek and then go over to my dad. He and my mum are talking.

"Wow, Luke" Dad says and smiles at Luke "Your blood is inside me, my son" He says and starts laughing. Adam stands behind me and places his hands on my shoulder. Luke tells our father the story about how they took the blood from him. He's making it extra dramatic because our father like good stories.

"I'm starving" Luke says and with that he finishes his story.

"I told you to eat but nooo" Mother exclaims and we all laugh again.

"Now, my beautiful daughter. Tell me the story of this dress you're wearing" Dad says and I start telling him everything.

"And this boy has to be Adam then" Dad observes when I told him that I danced with Adam on the ball.

"Yes he is" I say. "We're a couple" I tell him.

"Since when?" Mother asks me.

"I ask her on the ball" Adam explains.

"Welcome to the family, Adam" Dad says.

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