Chapter 12 - School

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I stare at the ceiling, wondering if I should go to school or not.

"ELISABETH" My mother yells from downstairs. I sigh and get out of bed. Then I get ready for the day and go downstairs. Mum is reading the newspaper and Luke is just swallowing his cereal down. I sit down next to Luke and an empty chair. Normally dad would sit next to me pouring me a glass of tea, but not today. And probably not for a long time.

- - - -

Few more minutes and then break. I stare at the clock, which makes time pass even slower but I either stare at something or I fall asleep. Mrs. Teller is talking about world war two. I actually like history and hearing about world war two. But not today. All my classmates and I are still half asleep. History in the first period is not good at all. Beside that Mrs. Teller talks so slowly and without any emotions in her voice that she makes the whole subject boring. Adam's not next to me. Maybe he's sick I explain myself his missing. "I see that everybody in this class is not in the mood" Mrs. Teller exclaims "So, I guess, we can end it here, for today" She says and everybody cheers. She sits down by the teacher desk and types something into the computer. I stand up and open the window. Keira comes to me, followed my Hannah and Fiona.

"Come" Keira says. I follow her and Hannah and Fiona to the girls toilet. There, Keira and Fiona go peeing. I fix my hair in front of the mirror, while Hannah is telling us that she won't be able to go the winter ball.

"But WHY?" Fiona exclaims who is more excited for that ball than Keira is.

"My mum and her girlfriend want me to spend the weekend with them in a spa" Hannah explains. Her parents are divorced because mother is lesbian and left her father. Hannah never sees her mother because she's travelling around the world with her girlfriend.

Fiona come out of the stall and glares at Hannah.

"I'm sorry" Hannah says "At least now, no one has a date"

"True that" I say. Fiona washed her hands and nods in understanding. Keira comes out and washes her hands too.

Back in the classroom, I see Adam. So, he isn't sick. But where was he? I sit down next to him on my chair and take a deep breath. I close my eyes for few second and then turn around to face him. "Hi" I say.

"Hey" He says and scratches the back of his neck.

"Look, I understand if you're mad at me--"

"I could never be mad at you, El." He interrupts me and I blush.

"Yeah but, we don't talk and I don't like that" I tell him.

"I don't like it either but if you need space, I'll give it to you" He says and stands up. Adam leaves the classroom again and I lean back.

Fuck I think to myself Fuck! Why does he have to make things harder. Why does he have to be a perfect gentleman? Couldn't he just hate me and we'd get over it. I fall for him and I want it to stop, because I know a relationship won't go well. I just know. And I'd rather have a small heartache now, instead of loving him and then have the biggest heartache if nothings works out. Usually I don't think so negative but now I just know things won't go well if we get together.

And even though I know all that, I still fall for him. I still want him. I still really like him. I'm still on the way to love him. And if nothings works out, then well, f*ck it. He'll be my best mistake. And I'm ready to face it.

The rest of the school day, Adam and I talk like nothing awkward is between us two. We have conversation like we had before New York. Before he told me that he loves me. We act like he'd never confessed his love to me, like I'd never left him standing on the roof.

After school, mum picks me up from school and we drive to the shopping mall. We go in every store that sells dresses. Eventually we find one that we both like except for little bits and pieces. Mum promises me to make the dress even more perfect just for me. Then afterwards we visit father in the hospital. He seems pretty good and I think the treatment is actually working. It should have work the first time around but okay as long as it works now. He wants to see the dress but I want it to a surprise for him.

"No dad. It's a surprise. You'll see on Saturday" I tell him.

"You won't even tell me the color?" He asks and I shock my head.

"It's a surprise" I say again.

- - - -

The week went by pretty fast. Everyday after school Luke and I visited my father and spend the afternoons with him. During the last few days he got better and now it's finally Friday. It's the last period which is music. Our teacher is trying to convince us to perform something.

"Are you going to sing?" Adam asks me.

"No" I tell him

"Please" He begs with big putty eyes.

"For god sakes" I murmur and raise my hand.

"Yes. Elisabeth" My teacher says.

"Can I perform?" I ask and his face lightens up.

"Yes, yes please" He says. I stand up and pull Adam up.

"What are you doing?" Adam asks confused.

"I'm not doing this alone" I explain to him. I give him a ukulele and take one for me. "Moon Song" I say and smile at him. Adam smirks and starts playing. I join in and start singing.

We finish and everyone is clapping her hands, cheering. And like always, Sam has to cheer louder than anyone else is. "YES El! GO ADAM" He shouts. Adam and I sit down and burst out laughing. I really missed laughing with Adam and it felt good.

After school, Adam brings me home. We didn't want to take the bus, so we just walk.

"I really missed you" I admit as we walk away from the school and the others.

"I missed you too" Adam says and blush "Especially your red cheeks" He teases and we burst out laughing. I jokingly punch him in his arm and he stops and looks down. He acts like he's crying and wipes imaginary tears away. I only laugh at him ready to walk away but he grabs my wrist and twists me around. I slam onto his chest and his hands hold mine.

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