Chapter 15 - I'm with you

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Should I really dance with him? The last few hours we all danced together as a group but should I just dance with him? Yes. Yes I should. I think. I dunno... Yes I should ask him now. Now or never. Face your fear Elisabeth! Come on! Ask him! I try to convince my self. Do it! Face your fear!

"This next song is for all the love birds!" The DJ announces. Not or never.

Adam taps on my shoulder and brings me out of my thoughts.

"Can I have this dance?" He asks smirking and I nod. Perfect timing. It's a slow song and I recognize. It's 'can I have this dance' from High School Musical. I always dreamed of dancing to this song with the boy I love. And now I'm about to do it with the boy I... I love. He'll be my best mistake.

Adam leads me through the crowd to the middle of the dance floor. We stand exactly under the mirror ball. Adam put his hands on my waist and I put my arms around his neck. We start to dance to the rhythm of the song. Adam's hands wander around my waist and he pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest and we stand so close to each other, not even a fly could fly through. Adam starts singing the lyrics quietly so that only I could hear him. I smirk and look up at him.

'It's one in a million, the chances of feeling

The way we do

And with every step together

We just keep on getting better

So can I have this dance?

(Can I have this dance?)

Can I have this dance?'

Adam kisses me. It's better than I've ever dreamt of. It feels right and perfect. My heart jumps up and down and I kiss him back. A firework explodes in me and my million feelings rush through my body. I kiss the boy I love. I kiss Adam and he kisses me. My heart races and nothing matters, except for the moment. The kiss my lips been craving for, without me knowing. His arms keep me tightly against his body and the kiss gets more passionate. He presses me against his body and deepens the kiss. I don't know how long this is already going on but I don't want it to stop.

This isn't my first kiss but it's the first one that feels so right like it does now. I had kisses and boyfriends before I started to fall for Adam. But none of their lips, felt so right against mine. It actually feels more than just rights, It feels perfect.

The song ends and we pull away. Another slow songs starts playing and Adam rests his forehead on mine. "I love you" He whispers. "I don't care if you don't love me but I'll say it over and over again because it's true. I love you" As he says those words my heart skips a beat and then starts racing again.

"I love you, Adam" I say and we kiss again. The next song starts playing 'thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran. We broke the kiss and smile at each other. I rest my head on Adam's chest and we start moving to the song.

Afterwards we go back to the others. Keira gave me my phone and says "Your mum called few times"

"How many times?" I ask her and look at my phone. 4 miss calls in the last minute. "Thanks" I say and take Adam's head. I rush through the crowd and grad Adam behind me. We get out of the hall to a corridor of our school.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I don't know" I say and call my mum back. She immediately picks up and tells me that dad is back at the hospital. Since I felt he's not feeling well and then called the hospital before something happens. A tear rolls down my cheek by the thought that dad was home for not even a day, just to see me in my dress and now he's feeling bad again after he felt so good the last week. Is it my fault? I ask myself and even more tears roll down my face. Adam pulls me into a hug and rubs my back to calm me down. My mum is still talking and telling my that everything will be alright but I know that nothing will be alright.

"Elisabeth" She says "Luke and I are driving to--"

"I'm coming" I cut her off. "I love you, bye" I say and hung up.

"What happened?" Adam asks and he hugs me tighter.

"My dad, he's feeling bad again" I explain to him while even more tears stream down my face. "Can you please drive me?" I ask him and pull away.

"Of course" Adam nods "Let me grab my keys" He says and runs back into the hall.

While he's gone I start to wonder again. Is it my fault? He was so good in the hospital and now he's feeling back again. If he'd stay in the hospital would he still be okay? I don't wanna loose my father. Not now. It's too soon. It's my fault. He wanted to be home just to see me and now...

"Okay, we can go" Adam says and embraces me. He kisses my forehead and says "I'm with you, Elisabeth. Your my girlfriend and I'm with you"

"I'm not your girlfriend" I say and step again.

"Don't lie to yourself" He says and takes my hand. Deep inside I always knew that Adam and I would be girlfriend and boyfriend some day. I can't deny it and I don't have to anymore. I'm his girlfriend.

We get into his car and drove away. Further and further away from the school.

"I didn't say bye" I say as we drove by my house. "I didn't say bye to the others"

"I told them that you had to leave and that I'd drive you" Adam explains to me.

It's a very bitter sweat moment, isn't it? I sit in the car with my boyfriend after we've been to our winter prom and we drive in the night and stars are out and the radio and quietly playing Ed Sheeran's song 'wake me up'. Sadly we sit in the car to drive to the hospital where my father is. My father who doesn't feel all to well and my mother who is crying her eyes out and Luke who has to be strong for my mother. I start to cry again and Adam takes my hand. He squeezes my hand softly.

"I'm with you, El. No matter what" He tells me and I cry even more.

If my dad wouldn't be sick, he would have to say something like this. We'd still be at the ball, dancing and having a good time, as a new couple, with our friends. But no...

My father is sick and that's not fair. Nothing is fair. My life is the biggest b*tch, I swear. I start to hyperventilate. I can't jump out of the car. I can't. I feel hot and my body starts to sweat. I have a panic attack - in a car. Stay calm. I can't breath normally. Tears come out again and everything get's blurry.

"Hey, Hey. Where're here" Adam says and pull me into a hug. "Where're here" He says again. I look up at him and we kiss.

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