Chapter 10 - Honesty

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I walk into our house and the first thing I see is a suitcase standing next to the staircases. I put my backpack down and slowly go into the living room. There my father is sitting on the couch, with blankets on him. The fireplace is and on the coffee table are cups and medicine. Dad looks at me and gives me a weak smile. He pat's the spot next to him on the sofa and I sit down.

"Are you sick?" I ask him and he nods. I hear the front door close and my mother and Luke come inside.

"I'll get you some tea, dad" Luke says. Luke never offers tea. Never. Why now? What's wrong? Luke leaves again and mum covers her mouth with her hand.

"Elisabeth, I'm not in a good condition" Father tell me. My heart skips a beat and my hands start to sweat.

"What do you mean?" I ask "Is it something serious? Why haven't you told me earlier? And more importantly how long don't you good?"

"I'll explain to you but for now can you please pass me the napkin?" He asks and I do as told. He coughs blood and I immediately jump up. Mom places her hand on my shoulder and hold me. Tears stream down my face and I can't speak. No word come out even though I try to. Luke come in and gives my dad the cup of the. Then Luke takes the blood full napkin and trows it away. Luke has seen this before. Why haven't I?

"Honey, could you please" Dad says and leans back again. My mom leads me back to the sofa and I sit down between her and dad. Father closes his eyes and holds my hand.

"Elisabeth," Mother starts and wipes the sweat from her hands onto her jeans. "2 days ago, when you were in New York, your father and I went to a doctor just to check... The thing is that your dad suffers from a Cardiovascular disease for few ye--"

"Why haven't you told me?" I interrupt her, getting a bit angry.

"It wasn't a bit deal and the doctor thought it's go away with the right treatment but it didn't and now..." A tear escapes her eye "Now, it's really strong and that suitcase in the hallway" She says and I nod, not knowing if I should say something "I just put it into the boot and we have to drive to the hospital in a few minutes, for your father go get better help than when he stays at home. Do you understand?" She asks and I nod again. Dad open his eyes again and pulls me into a hug. Tears roll down my cheek and I bury my face into his shoulder. Dad strokes my head and mum takes my hand. Luke comes and hugs me from behind. I feel my back getting wet, Luke is also crying.

"Everything will be fine, little one" My dad says and I nod trying to belief him.

Let's face the fact and nothing is going to be 'fine'. We'll take dad to the hospital and then what? He gets treated. But what if it won't help? I don't want my father to die. Not that early. It's not fair.

We already lost one family member, years ago and back then, nothing was 'fine'. Still, till today nothing is completely 'fine'. It may seem like everything is okay again, but it's not. Every year, on the day of Hope's death, the whole family is crying their eyes out. Even thinking about her feels like a stab in the heart.

- - - -

We didn't drove to the local hospital. We drove to one, that's more outside and much smaller. As my mother parks, A doctor, 3 nurses and one who is pushing a wheelchair are coming out of the big sliding door. I get out of the car and so are Luke and mum. The nurse with the wheelchair and another one is coming up to us. They help my mother getting my father out of the car and onto the wheelchair. Then the nurse pushes him up the ramp while the other one is walking behind them. Mum, Luke and I take the few stairs. The doctor shakes my mum's hand and they know each other. Also it seems like the nurse already do know my father. Inside of the hospital, a woman walks pass us and say "Jacobson, Hello again" Before she goes into a little shop.

My parents have been here, many times before, as it seem, but they never told me anything. What if something had happened while they were here and I wouldn't had any idea were to drive to. I don't even have a driver license. I would have gone to the wrong hospital. They lied to me. My parents legitimately lied to me. All those years when I ask, how they're doing and they said 'fine', they lied. I still can remember the day they told me to be honest, 100 percent honest. No lies, just honesty. But now, they lied to me. More than just once and more than just a little white lie. I can't believe it but I can't be mad at them either. I dunno. "You always have to be honest" They said or should I say, lied.

The doctor talks to my mum while walking behind us. The nurse is pushing my dad into a room. Not even looking if it's the right room. She knows that it's his. They've been here MANY time before!

She nurse helps my dad to get on the bed and the other nurses arrange something in the room. Luke sits down on the couch across from the bed and I sit down on the chair next to the bed. Dad holds my hand and breaths heavily. "Tell me about New York" He says.

"You seem exhausted. I can tell you later" I say and he squeezes my hand softly.

"Tell me now, Elisabeth" He says and gives me a weak smile. The nurse come over to us and hooks my father's arm up to a machine. Then she gives me a genuine smile and leaves the room. The other nurses leave the room and I start telling my father about New York.

After I finished telling him everything, he said that I should follow my heart no matter what and kissed my head. Then he asks me what my plans are for his winter ball that my school is organizing.

"I don't really have a plan" I tell him. He shakes his head and gives me bright smile this time. "El, I want you to go there with the most breathtaking dress ever made and I'll pay everything. I want you to have fun and enjoy your time" He says.

"I don't know if I want to go" I say.

"You have to" He demands and I sigh.

"Okay" I say. He strokes my head and then points to Luke. He's fast asleep on the couch.

"You'll be the most beautiful girl on that ball. I promise you" He says and leans back again and falls asleep.

Mum come in and quietly closes the door behind her. "How is he?" She asks me.

"He's okay. I guess" I say and tears roll down my cheek again.

"We'll get through this, baby" Mum promises me

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