Chapter 21 - Epilogue

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6 years later:

The last 6 years were wonderful. The retreat centre is going super good. It got very famous and few celebrities are coming here. I'm finished with college and work as a author. I write my own books and work for the retreat centre. Luke decided to become a doctor, so he's in college for that.

During the last few year, I've been in love again. The relationships lasted between 3 months - 1 year. You see, I'm not the worst girlfriend. The longest relationship lasted 1 year and few weeks. He wanted to marry me but I was still to young, so we broke up.

Anyway. I moved into a new house, a place just for me. It's a five minutes drive to the retreat centre and OH yes! I learned to drive and I go my license.

I still have anxiety and panic attacks but just barely. The nightmares are gone and everything is just fine.

I kept in contact with Keira, Sam, Ron, Fiona, Hannah and Taylor. Sadly I lost my contact to Adam, I had to cut it off after we moved to England. It was just to much pain, back then and I wanted a new start.

- - - -

I was in the conference room of my mother and we talked about the plans for this upcoming summer. It's not even spring but we already talk about it.

"Oh Elisabeth. Before you leave, I'm sorry that the winter ball couldn't be in December like originally planned" Mum says.

"It's okay. Yesterday night was still wonderful" I tell her and leave.

Last night was the winter ball and Keira, Sam and Ron came. It was so nice to see them again and to hug them. Ron told us that he's going to move to England too, which is pretty exciting. Keira lives is Ireland with her husband, John and Sam moved to New York few months ago. We all are going really good.

I leave the house and go into the main building. "Happy Birthday, El" Sarah, the receptionist welcomes me.

"Thanks, Sarah" I say smiling and walk to the elevator.

"Hold on, wait" She exclaims. "There's a problem at the ballroom! You should go and check it NOW" She winks at me. I look at her confused and then step into the elevator. What does she mean?

When I step out again, I go down the hallway to the ballroom. I hear something crash down and open the doors. Adam is holding a bouquet of red roses and a broken vase is on the floor.

"Adam" I exclaim and look around. On every table are red roses and it's looks magical. "What are you doing here?" I ask him and go over to him. He gives me the flowers and scratches he back of his neck.

"I'm sorry for that vase. I'll pay for it" He tells me.

"You don't have to" I say and smell the roses. "What are you doing here?" I ask him again and put the flowers on the table.

"I wanted to come yesterday but my flight got canceled. " He explains. I look at him confused and take a step back. "I hear that you organized a winter ball and I wanted to attend and see you again and... I see that you're wearing my necklace"

"Pardon. It's MY necklace. You gave it to me" I teas him, laughing and pull him into hug. "I missed you" I tell him.

"I missed you too and especially your smile" He says and I blush. "Are you single?" He asks when we pull apart.

"Yes. I --" He cut me of by kissing me. I kiss him back out of reflex. My heart start to pound fast and my body is shaking. My lips been craving for his all those years. He wraps his arms around me and deepens the kiss, making it more passionate. It feels like the kiss at the ball and the kiss when I broke up with him. Again, million and one feeling rush through my body. We pull apart and all of the sudden music starts playing.

"Can I have this dance?" He asks and I nod. He leads me under the mirror ball and we dance to the song that I've been crying to after we broke up. It's 'Autumn Leaves' by Ed Sheeran. I haven't listen to song in years and it fits perfect.

Adam rests his forehead on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms are still around my waist. "Elisabeth" He whispers.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Perfect timing exits"

Blog entry: February 1st

It's my birthday!

I'm 24 and feeling hella good. Today I got the best present ever.

I got my first love back.

You read right! He's back and he gave me the answer I've been craving for all those years...

Perfect timing exits and now it's finally time for my love story...

- Someone somewhere in this world xxx

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