Chapter 11 - Plans

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My mother stays with dad in the hospital for the night while I have to take care of Luke. Since I don't have a driver license, mum suggested to call a taxi but I wanted to walk. Luke and I said bye to our parents and then leave the hospital.

"How long do we have to walk?" Luke asks me. We're half way to our house and he didn't talk since we left the hospital, so I was surprised to hear his voice again. He walks few steps behind me and I could hear his music through the earphones. "Elisabeth!"

"we're half way there, Lukie" I explain to him. Luke speeds up until he walks next to me. His hair is mess because he slept in the hospital and his eyes are red from all the crying. My eyes are most likely redder than his and my head aches like crazy.

"Is father... going to be fine?" my brother asks and I feel that he's scared. I stop walking and held his shoulders. I stare into his eyes and then he starts to cry again. I pull Luke into a hug and start crying too. Luckily no one is on the street - that'd be embarrassing.

"He's going to be fine, Luke" I promise him, even though I don't know if I can hold my promise. I try to believe that father is going to be fine. I really do and I know that I have to be strong for my mum and especially Luke. "He's going to be fine" I say again and I know that Luke doesn't believe me but I also know that we both try to believe it.

"Promise me" Luke demands and wipes his tears away.

"I wish I could. I really do" I answer him.

The rest of the walk home, none of us says one more word. When I unlocked the front door, Luke rans pass me, up the stairs to his bedroom. I close the door behind me and hear Luke's room door slam in the lock. I slide down the door and start crying again. I cried until no more tear came out. I called Keira and told her about my father's health. She asks if I'm okay and I didn't answer. She said that she's really sorry for me and that she wishes that she could come over but it's to late and already hell dark outside. After I hang up I stand up and start cleaning the whole house. I don't know why but I just want to clean and organize everything.

I did all the laundry and wiped the floor and made my parents bed and cleaned and organized the kitchen, then the living room, then the dining room and lastly all the bathrooms.

It's pass midnight, but I'm not tired at all. I start to re-do my whole bedroom. I carefully pull the posters off my wall and then put new ones up. Then I arrange my bookshelves and my desk area. Lastly I made my bed. I put fairy lights that I found in the house around my room and turned the lights off. Now it's 2.50 in the morning and I lay in my bed and stare at the fairy lights around me room. I open a window to get fresh air and fall asleep.

- - - -

It's Sunday, which means it my 'chill' day. I stay in bed for another hour after I woke up and scroll through my blog and read all the comments. I response to some of them and then get out of bed. In front of my mirror I ask myself weather I should go for a run or not. Eventually I decide to go and change into my sports wear. Earphone in and out of the house. I run for an hours or so. When I get home again, my mothers car was in the drive way. I walk into the house and go to the kitchen. Mum and Luke are having breakfast. "Come eat with us, El" Mum says.

"Later, I'm sweaty" I explain and go up the stairs. I take a refreshing shower and then get dressed. I wear sweat pants with a tank top. When I'm in the kitchen again, Luke and mum just finished cleaning up. My mum gives me a weak smile and Luke leaves the kitchen again. Mother pat's my shoulder as she walks pass me, to the living room. I make myself a banana-apple-strawberry smoothie and join mum on the sofa.

"That's for cleaning the house, gorgeous" Mum says as I sit down.

"No problem" I say and take a sip of my smoothie. Mum takes the remote control and switches the program. We watch a wedding series and I rest my head on my mums shoulder.

"When is the ball again?" My mum asks.

"In a week" I tell her.

"When do you want to go shopping?"

"I don't even know if I want to go" I explain to her.

"You have to. You're father will come home, to see you in your dress" Mum says and her eyes lighten up.

"We can go tomorrow" I say and stand up. I go up to my bedroom and text Keira, telling her that I'll go to the winter ball. Instead of responding by text, she called.

"Perfect" Is the first thing she says.

"Don't I get a hello?" I ask and lay down in my bed.

"Hello" She says "So, how are you doing?" She asks.

"Good, kinda. I guess" I answer.

"Ok good, do want to talk about the ball?" She asks me and I nod even though she can't see me. I feel to weak to speak. Keira knows that and takes my part in talking "Ok great. Let me tell you the plans..."

While Keira's talking about the ball and about her plans and about her plans for me and about Adam and about how our dresses should look and match, I only listen to the half of what she's telling me and get lost in my thoughts.

Dad wants to be home on that day, just to see me going to the winter ball. It's kinda bittersweet. Sweat is that he want's go get home from the hospital but bitter because he's in a hospital. I still can't believe that my parents lied to me all those days and weeks and months and even years. They in fact, kinda betrayed me. They'd let me think that everything was okay, when it wasn't. Worst part is that I know that they wanted to protect me from even more pain. After Hope's death none of us was feeling good. But I felt the worst. From that day, I suffer from nightmares and anxiety and mostly panic attacks. Sure, they wanted to protect me from all the more pain that I'd get if they'd told me, but still. They lied. They only told me now, when the health of dad is at the lowest. What if he'd still feel good. Would they have told me anyway? OR would they keep the secret from me and Luke for even longer?

"It'll be so perfect" Keira exclaims followed by a high pitch happy scream. With that she tears me out of my thoughts, Back to reality. "El? Did you even listen?" She asks.

"Sure" I say

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