Chapter 1 - panic attacks

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I wake up from a nightmare. I immediately sit up straight. My heart is pounding quickly and it feels heavy. My breath is irregular and my whole body is sweating. My head hurts and I feel cold.

My mother storms into my room followed by my father.

"You screamed are you okay?" Mom asks. Of course I'm not okay.

"Elly, shall I make you some tea?" Dad asks and I nod.

He always asks if I want some tea because I love tea. Dad walks out and down the stairs and my mum sits down on the bed.

"Did you have a nightmare?" She asks and I nod.

"Was it the same as always?" She asks and I nod.

It's always the same dream. I'm standing at the end of the road and see a car driving directly into my family's car. Big crash and then I wake up again.

Mum hugs me and tears stream down my face. We stay in this position until my alarm clock goes off. 6.30. We pull apart and I turn it off and wipe my tears with the sleeve of my sweater away.

For some weird reason I also go to bed in a sweater and black leggings or black shorts.

My mom stands up and opens the curtains. Bright light from outside lightens up my room. Across from my bed is the door and next to it my dresser. Luke walks by then stops and walks few steps back. He looks in and then leans against the door frame.

"You should clean your room" Luke says smirking. How can he be so happy that early in the morning? I looked around. To my right is my bedside table with a lamp, my alarm clock, a plant from ikea, my phone and the book that I finished reading last night on it. Next to it a window and my wardrobe right around the corner. My wardrobe is as wide as length of my bed. Next to it is my big bookshelf and my dresser around that corner facing me. On my dresser is my schoolbag and few books.To my left is my L shape desk with my ikea spinning chair. Next to it is my comfy long chair where I read every night and next to that is a small round coffee table with few books on it. Above it another bookshelf with even more books. On the floor are some clothes and few magazines laying around.

Luke is still leaning against the door frame.

"My room isn't that messy" I say and push my bed sheet to the side.

"Yes it is" Luke says and walks away. I hear his footsteps going down the stairs. Mum kisses my forehead and follows Luke down. I get out of bed and open the curtains from the window on the left side of my room above my desk. My room gets even brighter.

I blink few times and then go into the bathroom across my room. I pee then wash my hands, then my face, then brush my teeth and wash my face again. I put my hair into a high pony tail. They are still curled from yesterday. Then I do my make-up routine for school and after that I go down. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the breakfast table next to Luke. My father gives me a cup of tea and my mother gives me a plate with a sandwich.

After I ate my sandwich, I go up to my room to get dressed. Dark blue jeans and a white blouse with the school logo on it. (My school has uniform, either a white shirt or a white blouse with the a small logo on the left side and jeans are free choices. You can wear either a skirt or jeans. The main thing is that you wear a white T-shirt or blouse with the logo on it)

After I got dressed, I pack my school bag and go down. I go into the kitchen and make myself some lemon water. I fill it in a bottle and then put the bottle in my bag with an apple. Then I go into the living room and sit down on the couch. Luke isn't ready so I wait for him. My mum comes in and sits down next to me. She turns the TV on which is above the fire place and switches to the cooking channel. I watch with her and after few seconds Luke comes down.

"Let's go" He says. I stand up, we say bye to our parents and then leave the house. We walk to the bus station. There are few other students from our school and my bestfriend Keira and Adam.

"Hey you" I say and hug Keira.

"Hey Elly" She says and we pull apart.

"Hi El" Adam says and scratches the back of his neck.

"Hi" I say and blush a bit. I pull my phone out and quickly text him.

This is how we always do it. We text more than we talk. I text him a random emoji with no meaning behind it. He looks at his phone and smirks.

- - - -

The school bell rings, second period is over. First we had math and then history.

I sit next to Adam in class. Keira sits two rows in front of us. Adam and I sit in the last row next to the windows. We don't have to walk around during breaks since every period is in the main class, except for PE and science. And our board teacher made a sitting plan for the class which pretty much means that I have to sit next to Adam the whole first semester. And after the first one we could switch again if we want.

Right when I open the window - to get some fresh air like I always do in the small breaks - our teacher Mr. McAllister comes in.

"Close the windows!" He yells. I take a deep breath, close the window and sit down again. As minutes pass by I slowly feel like I couldn't get air anymore. We're only 10 minutes into the lesson and all of the sudden, I feel like I was in a sauna. It gets hot - for me at least.

"Are you okay?" Adam asks whispering. I nod and try to catch my breath. It gets even hotter for me and my heart feels heavy again. I have a panic attack. I feel like I'm going to die. I feel dizzy and suddenly I feel cold. Then hot again. Cold. Hot. Cold. My head hurts and I start to sweat. I wipe my sweat away and raise my other hand.

"Yes Miss Jacobson?" Mr. McAllister says.

I can't talk. I take deep breath. "Out" I gasp "Please" I add.

"Yes go out, please" Mr. McAllister says.

I stand up and rush out. The halls are empty. I look to my left and right.

Right. I walk few steps till I get to the end of the hallway. In front of me are 2 big doors which lead to another hallway. I decided to sit down in the corner. I do and pull my knees up to my breast. I wrap my arms around my legs and tears stream down my face. "Fuck" I murmur. I wipe my tears with my hands away and slowly catch my breath again. I hear a door open. Adam. He comes running up to me and knees down in front of me.

"I'll hug you okay?" Adam says and slowly wraps his arms around me. "Please don't cry" He begs. "Please."

I just nod. We stay like this for another few minutes until I calm down. I still feel hot though. But it isn't my panic attack. It's him. It's Adam. He kisses my forehead and holds me tighter.

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