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It was finally the last day of junior year. My best friend brooke and I were going to spend our Friday night as usual, eating and watching tv. until we got an idea to have a party.

"Lauren are you ready yet?" Brooke yelled from down stairs. "I'm almost ready, chill" I screamed back. I finished curling the last strand of hair when brooke walked in. Her jaw basically touched the floor. "What? Do I really look that bad?" I asked confused. "Damn my best friend is hot" she said smirking.

"Shut the hell up. Did you text everyone?" I asked. "Yes, now let's go set up the beer pong table." she suggested walking out of my room. I followed behind her making sure to lock my door because of those horny ass teenagers.

I heard a knock on the front door and I thought it was the guy with the keg but it turns out it was the complete opposite. "Shawn what are you doing home?" I asked trying keep him from coming in. "I forgot my hockey stick in my room." he asked curiously peeping his head in.

"Are you throwing a party?" He said looking at the beer pong cups set up. "No brooke and I are drinking all of this ourselves." He looked at me yet again with his stupid confused puppy eyes "yes dumbass, we are having a party." I said.

"Well then looks like I'm not going to need my hockey stick" shawn said shrugging his shoulders. "I should probably go change" when said running up the stairs. I stopped him halfway. "You should invite your friends from the hockey and basketball team" I said smiling sweetly. "Fine but stay away from sam, he's trouble." Shawn warned.

I've had a crush on sam for a while now, i always catch him staring at me in class so i guess the feeling could be mutual. He's kind of known as the school's player and walking std, good thing he has a pretty face.

It was about 9:00 and little groups of people started showing up. Sam and his friend Nate came in with a couple bottles of cheap liquor. "Hey lauren" sam said, hugging me with his hands a little too close to my ass. "The beers are outside." I said gesturing towards the door.

Sam and I walked outside, he sat down on the only chair and patted his lap signaling for me to sit. I sat down and we talked for a little bit. "You know, you're kinda hot." sam spoke eyeing me up and down. "You're not too bad yourself wilkinson." I said while looking at his plump lips.

We just sat there in silence staring at each other until he crashed his lips onto mine. We were barely kissing  five minutes when he tried to take my shirt off. "Whoa whoa whoa" I said breaking the kiss. "I don't even know your middle name and you're trying to have sex with me?" I asked appalled.

"Howard. Now let's fuck" sam said trying to remove my shirt again. I got up and kindly connected my fist to his face. "Asshole" I scoffed, walking back into the house. Holy shit. The living room was now flooded with sweaty drunk teenagers basically have sex while dancing.

I saw brooke dancing with some guy so I pulled her to the side. "When did all these people get here" I asked frantically looking around. "I don't know but should getsome food" she barely slurred out. I went to the kitchen and ordered a couple pizzas.

After about an hour the doorbell rang. I opened the door and looked down to pull out the money that was in my pocket. When I looked up I saw a tall, tan, brown haired boy with very nice eyebrows looking at me. "U-uh the total is $50.75" he stuttered a little bit but he looks cute when he's nervous.

He was wearing a Seattle Seahawks shirt so i decided to start a conversation. "You're a Seahawks fan?" I asked while I was handing him the money. "Yeah, and you?" He asked smiling. "I'm a Seahawks fan as well" I replied. "I've never met a pretty girl who likes football" he said smirking. "I've never met a handsome pizza guy before" I retorted. "You seem really cool I think we should hangout some time" I said handing him my phone. He put his number in my and helped carry the pizzas in.

I walked with him to the front door. "By the way I'm lauren." I said shaking his huge hand. When our hands touched my heart started beating really fast, I like the way this guy makes me feel. "Jack." he said still holding onto my hand. "Uh I should get back to that mess in there" I said laughing a bit. "Yeah I have to go back to work" he said also laughing.

We awkwardly let go of each other's hands and he was off.

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