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"of course I'll go." I said grabbing his face and pulling him in for a long kiss. "I know it's short notice but we leave in two days." Jack said a smiling returning to his face. "Wait, what about your pizza guy job?" I questioned. "I quit." He said. "What a shame, no more free pizza." I said sarcastically. "Ha ha so funny." Jack mocked me equally as sarcastic.


*two days later*

Today is the day. Jack is picking me up to go to the airport, he said he'd explain to me how this whole thing works on our way to the airport. I finished packing yesterday so I put on some comfortable clothes and threw my hair in a bun. I was waiting on my bed when my phone dinged.

message from eyebrows💕: look outside

I jumped out of bed and peeped out of my window. Jack was leaning against his jeep looking hot as ever. I opened up my window, "hey hot stuff, you wanna come in?" I shouted down to him. I could hear his deep laugh from outside as he walked to the door.

I ran downstairs with my bags and suitcase as soon as he came in the door I handed him some of my bags to carry. "You're lucky I love you." He said struggling to carry four of my heavy bags. After putting all of my bags in the car we were off to the airport.

Our car ride consisted of jack singing along to the radio a little too loudly and him touching my bun. "Where's the rest of the guys?" I asked as we looked for our terminal in the airport. "Found them!" I said as I ran over to Sam, Nate, And Johnson. "Flight to Los Angeles, California is now boarding, I repeat the last flight to California is now boarding" a voice echoed through the speakers.

I sat in between jack and sam, this should be fun. I leaned my head on jack's shoulder, "so are you gonna explain anything about the tour or?" I said looking up at him. "Okay so we'll be going to different cities in the tour bus, obviously we will all be preforming at the shows, and you can watch from backstage." He said smiling. Ugh he is so fucking cute. "Do you mind if I take a nap?" I said yawning. "Go for it." Jack said shrugging his shoulders. I nodded and soon drifted off to sleep.


"L, wake up." I heard a deep voice say. I opened my eyes to see jack was sleeping. "Are we almost there?" I asked sam. "We're about to land, you should probably wake g up." Sam said laughing a bit. Sam was so quiet I almost forgot he was there. "Jack, wake up" I whispered in his ear. He didn't even move. "Jack, we're about to land." I said a bit louder this time shaking him.

"Huh, what?" He woke up confused wiping drool off of his face. I looked at Sam and we both started laughing.


We stepped out of the airport and the warm california air hit me. "We definitely aren't in Nebraska anymore." I said smiling. I was taking in my surroundings and soaking up the sun when Jack grabbed my hand and snapped me out of my daze. "C'mon babe we're heading to the tour bus." Jack said pulling me along.

We were walking along the sidewalk until we stopped in front of a giant blue bus with the words 'ogoc tour' on them. I stared at it in awe. I looked over at jack and he was looking at me funny. "What?" I said giggling. "You're just so damn beautiful, and I'm going to be spending the next two months with you. I couldn't be anymore happier right now." He said letting out a deep breath. I could feel my face heating up. "I love you so much." I said pulling him in for a kiss.

Which was so rudely interrupted "Oh get a room!" Nate yelled as he got in the tour bus. Jack and I laughed together. "Shall we?" Jack said gesturing towards the bus. "We shall." I said walking up the stairs to the bus. It looks so much bigger than it does from outside. When you first walk in there's a kitchen and a tv room, then there's bunks and a master bedroom.

After looking around the bus I sat down next to Johnson in the front room. "So is it just gonna be us?" I asked. "My buddy swazz is coming as well." He said. "Oh that's cool, you wanna play Fifa?" I asked. "You play?" Johnson asked while plugging in the game system to the tv. "Duh, I grew up with three brothers." I laughed. We started to get really into the game and everyone gathered around us, it was 4-3 I was winning. "Cmon j, you can't get beat by a girl" Nate shouted from the back of the bus. That just made me want to win even more. Johnson lined up to shoot the the game winning penalty kick, there is no way I'm letting him beat me. He shot and I blocked it. "NOOOO" Johnson screamed dramatically. "Wow, I got to give it you, you're pretty good. Mad respect to you lauren." Johnson said giving me a high five.

This is going to be an amazing summer.


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