Chapter 1- the day the predecesdors dies

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Akira- HEY EVERYONE!! Okay I know most of you hate me due to my lack of update on Yu-Gi-Oh! But I'm getting it!
Here's a One piece fic because there's not nearly enough of most of these pairings!
So let's go!!


No one POV:

In the world there are many things that make existence happen. You've heard of God but let's be real, he's not real. But the Seven Deadly Sins and the four horsemen of the apocalypse, however, are. They are all people believe it or not. Personifications. Kinda like in Hetalia!

The sins aren't there to just cause mayhem. No, they exist to balance out the world of its sins and the people in it. And every Sin has a tattoo-like mark somewhere on their body.

Greed. The current personification goes by the name of Belle-mere. A woman with dark pink coloured that is styled quite strangely. Greed is the sin that shows people just keep wanting more and more things. While it also shows in some aspects that people can leave their greed and help another. With greed Belle-mere had kept her own in check, it's worse when you're a personification but it's not so bad. Belle-mere died saving her two adopted daughters, Nojiko and Nami. Her mark was on her left upper thigh.

Pride. In which people are just too proud of themselves that they won't admit their wrong or they won't bother with someone if they believe they're beneath them. The predecessor to this sin was a young girl with chin length midnight hair named Kuina(?). She was a proud swordsman for a young girl, regardless of her age she was very mature for her age and even though she was prideful of her work, she always put away her pride to support someone. One day she died as she fell off the top of the stairs, she left her sword to her best friend Zoro and left her legacy to the new pride. Her mark was on her right bicep.

Sloth. The sin that makes people procrastinate and could most likely kill themselves from lack of caring. Olivia is the predecessor, and even though she didn't look like it, she had a severe lack of care for anything... well... That's not entirely true, she has a big interest in archeology and she loves her adopted daughter, Robin. Robin knew Olivia didn't care for much, and she was okay with that. But she practically glowed whenever her mother told her about architecture and how much she loved Robin, it made her feel as if she belonged. Olivia had died for her daughter as did Belle-mere. She had long silver coloured hair and lavender eyes. Olivia's mark was just upon her diaphragm.

Wrath. The rage all people carry, the sin that creates nearly all wars. Surprisingly enough, this sins personification is still alive but he gave up his title and power for the new generation. Teach the new Sins if he would. Wraths human name is Rayleigh, first mate to Gol D. Roger the pirate king! Rayleigh may not look it but hie is a very powerful and strong enemy (he has to be if he wants to keep his idiot captain in check). Rayleigh's mark (which is still there along with his immortality) is along the inside of his right forearm.

Gluttony. In which you'd just keep eating and eating if you wanted to. Funnily enough the personification is Gol D. Roger! What's next, his wife/lover, Rouge, is a sin too?
.... Oh.... anyway...
Roger was obviously a man who ate heaps. He's a D after all. But there were time in which he had starved or hardly ate and that meant he worked closely with an apocalyptic horsemen that goes by Famine. As everybody knows, Roger died being publicly executed, telling all about the One Piece while he was at it. He died a smiling man that day. His mark was just on top of his heart.

Lust. The sin that people think is the same as love. This is where Portgas D. Rouge lies. wait, what?! Rouge was a beautiful woman with freckles along the cheeks on her face and had strawberry blonde hair. Even though she was Lust, she believed more along the lines of helping people find their mate like she found hers. She almost died giving birth to her first son (which she held in for 20 months) Ace, but survived thankfully. Although she had died 5 years later giving birth to her second son Luffy. Her body was too weak from having Ace. She hoped that Ace and Luffy's father, Monkey D. Dragon, would love Luffy and take care of him... she was wrong... mostly. Ace absolutely hated Luffy but years passed and when Sabo "died" he realised all he had was Luffy and the small child was all he had, so he tried to make it up to Luffy but he knows it won't be the way he'd hope it to be. No matter how hard he tried. But he'll do it anyway. Luffy was blamed for his mothers death and the village he lived in saw him as a demon, sometimes trying to kill the boy, Ace never knew and neither did Sabo or Garp. Her mark, like Roger, was above her heart.

And (finally) Envy. A really tall (and clumsy) man named Rosinante Donquixote, mostly called Corazon, was the personification to this sin. Envy is a little like greed but you'd want people's stuff. You always want what others have. Corazon was killed by his brother, Doflamingo, because he was a marine under cover, he wanted to save a little boy who he had considered a son(and vice versa). His brother believed that Corazon betrayed him (that's kinda true). Corazon had envied nearly all those who were free, who lived a life the way how they wanted. He wanted that... He also wanted Law to have that. The boy lost so much already, he should be able to be free! Corazon's mark took the majority of the right side of his torso(stomach, side and back).

As all the sins (except Rayleigh) died, it took time for the new generation to come into play;
Wrath - Marco the Phoenix. Mark is majority of his back, a blue and yellow Phoenix with the word 'WRATH' in cursive in its talons.
Greed- Shanks La Roux. Mark is all along his right arm in a tribal design with the words 'Greed' in a calligraphic design.
Pride - Dracule 'Hawkeye' Mihawk. Mark is along his left leg in a sort of Mexican skull design with the word 'PRIDE' in a gothic style.
Lust - Penguin. Mark is a red and dark purple skull with a fox over his chest elegantly with the word 'LUST' over the fox's head.
Sloth - Kaku. Mark is a green and black (An: hint hint) tiger along his left torso( like Corazon) with the word 'SLOTH', written in a Japanese design, in the tigers claws.
Gluttony - Monkey D. Luffy. Mark is a red and gold leopard around his hips, down his right thigh with the word 'GLUTTONY' in cursive on his right hip.
Envy - Sabo. Mark is a gold wolf with green eyes along his left thigh, going up his lower back with the word 'ENVY' just underneath it.

Who's to say this new generation won't be a surprise for all?


Akira; what do you think? Good? Bad?
This fic will be put on both Wattpad and so no flames about that!!

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