Chapter 9 - Wrath & Gluttony we meet again

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____NO ONE POV____
"Permission to come aboard?!"
"Permission granted!"
'Let's meet again, little brother...'


Looking upon the ridiculously large ship across from him, Luffy saw many faces and their expressions; the excited and surprised look of Ace, the many confused, amused and wary looks of the Whitebeard pirates, and the discreetly ecstatic look of his brother, Marco. His eyes held such happiness that it almost broke his billion Beli poker face.

Marco was in a similar state as the youngest sin; he was ecstatic to see his little brother again, but he had to conceal his feelings as to make it look like the two have never met before... Yeaaaah... How about a different idea... 'No, we mustn't. We are only to reveal ourselves if there is an emergency...'

With just a glance, you could easily tell Ace was exited. He looked like a child on Christmas. His little brother and crew are here, admittedly it's surprising, but nevertheless it is a good day for them to reunite. By the looks of it Luffy has gotten some new crew members - - IS THAT A SKELETON?!

'I knew Luffy could make some weird friends, but a skeleton?! He's just full of surprises!' Ace thought in shock.

Luffy kept his inner fear down. He was afraid of Ace, yes, but Ace DID try to be a brother for him, although it was a bit of a long shot after all the damage that had been done. Luffy pulled on his huge smile and stretched his arms to Ace and flung himself into his brothers arms.

"AAAAAACEEEEE!" Luffy exclaimed.

"LUFFY!" Ace yelled back, crushing the smaller raven in a suffocating hug. If Luffy wasn't rubber he'd either be dead or he'd have passed out from lack of air.

Nami looked on trying to comprehend the fact her captain just threw himself on another pirates ship, more specifically WHITEBEARDS SHIP! Does Luffy HAVE a death wish?!

"LUFFY! DON'T JUST FLY ON SOMEONE ELSE'S SHIP!" Nami roared. She loves her captain, she does (he's like a precious little brother that she wants to protect even though he doesn't need it), but sometimes she just wants to strangle him. She looked to the Whitebeard Pirates in a means to show a rather embarrassed apology.

"Gurarara!" The large pirate captain laughed.

Luffy looked up in awe. "Woooooooaaaahhhh! That's a giant Ossan!" He exclaimed.

Ace laughed. "Luffy, you gotta be more polite to Pops, you ARE on his ship after all."

"Mnh!" Luffy nodded, as he got off of his older brother.

The rest of Luffy's crew slowly boarded the elder pirates ship..... well, mostly slowly. That was until a certain orange haired, bikini top wearing navigator ran up to him and whacked him in the head with her Clima-Tact (and certain blonde chef kicking him in the head for his precious Nami-Swan~!). (Deep down, Marco's wrath now has those two on his shit-list)

"IDIOT!!" The two exclaimed.

Chopper was worried about two things - both circle around his captain; One, Nami and Sanji shouldn't be doing that. They could really hurt him if they're not careful. He noticed Luffy getting nightmares a lot recently but hasn't mentioned anything, Chopper is certain no one else has noticed the change in Luffy or his lack of sleep (except maybe Zoro, Luffy and Zoro have a deep bond that Chopper never could understand fully). And two, Chopper was worried that the Whitebeard Pirates would do something to them - to Luffy. He won't let that happen!

'I will Protect you Luffy' The smallest member of the crew thought, determination gleaming in his eyes.

Robin appeared indifferent with her smile. She knew there was something about Luffy, he reminded her of her mother from time to time. Wanting to keep that precious memory close to her, she will protect her captain.

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