Chapter 4 - Wrath He who Leads

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Akira: Yo! Here's lucky chapter 4 with the third Sin, Wrath! Our dear loveable First division commander and first mate of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco!
Yes our dear Mama Pineapple the Flaming Turkey!!

____MARCO POV____

"Hey Marco!"

I look over and see Teach. A member of the second division under Aces command.

Marshal D Teach is a good man.... Kinda... He does have his rough spots (okay, a lot of rough spots), but that's all men for you. Since he joined the Whitebeard pirates, the marines have been on his back since he refused to be a shichibukai under their command. He is also one of the apocalyptics (which are also known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse) known as War. There's three others but they haven't discovered their own powers as of yet so we can't tell for sure who is one. Well actually there is one apocalyptic who has been discovered other than Teach, the guys name is Paulie, he's a friend of Sloth, Kaku, and is the apocalyptic Pestilence. But this subject can be for another time...

"Hi Teach, what's the problem!" I ask, knowing he only comes to me like this only if it involves the Sins, Apocalyptics or whether Thatch, Haruta or Ace did something... Most likely the latter.

"You better get to your office. But don't let the wrath take over when you see it, zehahaha!" He laughs. Why would I let my wrath out? There's a pun for that. Since I'm usually the laid back, calm guy it's not everyday you see me angry but when you do, it's like my Sins nature came out and I'm like a living hell.... So I've been told.

As I reach my office I realise now why Teach told me to keep my wrath in check. Those three are gonna get their asses kicked. Big time...

It wasn't so much that they painted my whole office in rainbows. No, I'm used to that. It was the paperwork that I'm pissed about. That was 10 months worth of paperwork done and neatly organised and now they're trashed!

"THAAATCH! HARUTAAA! AAACE!!! YOU GUYS ARE DEAD!!" I roar, my flames flittering along my hands.

"I TOLD YOU GUYS TO LEAVE HIS PAPER WORK OUT OF THIS!!" Haruta yells at the two accomplices.

"BLAME THATCH!!" Ace yelled as the trio were trying to run for their lives.

Division commanders and members of the crew hastily got out of the way as to not get hurt in the fury that is apparently me.


After the subtle ass kicking the trio of misfits and the cleaning of my office, I took back to my office where I did my paper work. All. Over. Again!
This task is tedious as hell and takes hours!

Stephan, a large, white dog with what looks like a moustache like Oyaji, made a loud yawn and a huff.

"Yeah... I hate work too buddy.." I say to him. Stephan has been with the crew and myself since I was born.

Well, while I'm here I might as well introduce myself. My name is Marco, I'm the personification of Wrath and I'm also the first mate and first division commander of the Whitebeard pirates. I'm 24 years old and-- okay I kinda lied on that part. Im actually 64 years old, physically 24 due to being reborn after dying twice.
Here's a little bit about me...

____NO ONE POV____

Marco was just 17 when he joined Edward Newgate, who was 24 at the time. He had eaten his devil fruit when he was 9 so he had some knowledge and skill of his Phoenix powers. The blond boy knew he wanted to see the world and he wanted to do so as a free man. Newgate offered him a chance and a family and the boy gladly accepted.

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