Chapter 5 - Greed I simply want everything

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____SHANKS POV____

"Get up capt'n! Time to wake the fuck up!" Yells the familiar voice of my first mate.

"Mrrrrghh...." I groan out, WAY to hungover to give a proper reply.

It stays silent for a while, I took that as a sign that I could sleep more.

I'm Sha--AGHH!

"GET UP!!" Benn yells. That bastard kicked my ass!

I sat up off the floor that I was kicked on to, I miss my bed.

"Ow! What the hell Benn?!" I whined. I don't usually wine but it's too early to not whine.

"Get up, it's already past noon." He said gruffly. Really? That late?

I sigh. "Okay, okay, I'm up." I said defiantly.

Benn nodded and left my room.

Okay, let me try that again.
I'm shanks La roux. Otherwise known as Red Hair Shanks the captain of the Red Hair Pirates, I am the personification of the Sin, Greed.

People say I'm always selfless and kind, I suppose I am for a pirate. But just because I'm kind doesn't mean I'm greedy. Even the kindest people have greed within themselves.

I'm 37 (yes, that old), and I had lost my left arm saving Luffy from a sea king. But you already know that. Recently, I have been working with Marco and Penguin about an automail; a mechanical arm of sorts. So far we've discussed the when and where along with the materials to use, we have also agreed to keep it a secret from the other sins and my crew. It's a surprise of sorts!

Now lets just just get one thing straight to all you people out there; I am an Alpha and I'm happily mated. Being mated doesn't mean you're going to be stuck with someone for the rest of your life, it means you have a love for the rest of your life. And here's where I get greedy.

I am (even in my own standards) very possessive of my mate, who is Dracule Mihawk, an Beta (believe it or not). I am also possessive of my families; my crew and the Sins.

"Oi captain! Let's get going!" Yasopp shouted to me.

____NO ONE POV____

"Yeah, yeah...." The red haired man muttered.

He stands up and readies himself for the apparent second half of the day.

As he was preparing for the day, he thought back to how he met his family, his mate, all those things that brought out the Sin in him.

He had been on his captains ship, the Oro Jackson, with the first mate, Silvers Rayleigh, and his sort of friend, Buggy, looking at their captain who looked like a love struck puppy.

"What's with the captain, Rayleigh?" Buggy asked.

"Captain has found someone important." The first mate replied with a smirk.

Buggy raised an eyebrow while Shanks seemed like he had an idea.

Even though he was young, he knew he was a future Sin. He knew of his captain and Rayleigh were one too, along with which one they were. They had trained the boy in being a sin, they didn't have first hand knowledge of being Greed but they knew the acting personification. A woman named Belle-mere.

Could it be that Roger has found his mate?

Buggy walked off and claimed he was going to get a bite to eat.
Shanks leaned close to the elder man. "Could it be he found his mate?" He whispered.

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