Chapter 7 - Pride, Looking past my mask...

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____MIHAWK POV____

"I mean using a sword like that- That person should NEVER own a fine piece like that EVER again!" A young girl with raven-blue hair and dark eyes said, recalling the events of a few days ago.

"I agree, Kuina. Even I don't use my swords in that way, even in public, and knowing shanks, he's had ideas to use mine like that or even his..." I said as I was sipping on my glass of wine.

Kuina, despite dying at the young age of 13, had suddenly changed into a beautiful woman of which she must be around 22 or so. Because she died at a young age, her soul has been able to grow to a certain age (in this case 22) until she stops ageing.

"Right, well shanks IS Greed. I personally wouldn't expect anything less from him. Belle-mere was similar but she didn't have a mate." Kuina smiled at me. "So how is Zoro? I didn't see him when he was here to train."

I closed my eyes for a brief moment to think. "He's improved greatly from when he first came to me to fight. He may have lost greatly but I believe his resolve was something that caught my eye."

"That's great! I'm surprised he learned a way to fight with three swords!" A woman with a strange hair style said as she and four others entered the room. I sat in front of the large fire place in the lounge room, it was winter here and I don't take to the cold so well.

"Hello Belle-mere, Olivia, Rocinante, Roger, Rayleigh! How was your trip? Huh, Where's Rouge?" Kuina chimed.

Rocinante, also called Corazon, spoke. "Hello Kuina. Mihawk. The trip went without a hitch. As for Rouge..."

"Uwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!" Roger wailed while being curled up in a corner, one that we all agree to name it the Emo Corner. I now thank whatever deity there is that Perona isn't here.

"..... Really..... She's with Penguin discussing about the affairs of who Pen's mate is. It's exiting to think about... Regardless of the mask, he seems quite attractive even though I couldn't see his face." Olivia replied, yawning.

Of course, if it involved Rouge, then Roger is the biggest dork alive. I'm sure he's more clumsy than Rocinante....

While the predecessors talk amongst themselves, I might as well introduce myself; I am Dracule Mihawk, age 41 (comment on that you will die), the personification of the sin Pride and I'm the mate to Shanks. (I'm a beta, not omega.... Shut up)

Not much is to be said of my past but I believe whatever has the predecessors or other Sins, it's always interesting.

As I mentioned, I am shanks' mate and believe me, it's not easy. He's ridiculously possessive of his family and precious possessions (like that strawhat he gave to Luffy) and he is sadistic if one is not careful.

Even if we have sex, more often than not he likes to use knife play, whips, chains and many other things that you can imagine.

Shanks doesn't get called 'Master', I usually call him by his name or Love.

Although all the things he uses and I am used on, there is always the after care or even just makes love softly. If he used knives or whips too hard or the restraints rubbed my wrists and ankles to the point of bleeding, he carefully attends to my wounds. After, he simply cleans both of us up then holds me to his chest, caressing my hair or even my mark - which warms at the touch and gives me the never ending comfort of his love.

Despite my position as Pride, I can't seem to hold any shred of pride (or even dignity) whenever I'm near him. In open doors I can seem calm and composed around anybody and everybody, even the ones who seem to be the most intimidating being on earth (like Doflamingo), then behind closed doors, my emotions fly to the surface and I feel as if I'm exposed.

That red haired bastard has some sort of way in doing what he does. I don't know what, but I'd kill him if I could..... Only to end up regretting it the next second.

His smile. His amber eyes. His godly sculpted body. His soul...

His heart...

His love....

I need it all. Is this the curse of having a mate? Or is it a gift? Having someone that belongs to only you....

____NO ONE POV____

"Okay! I'm back!" Roger said after finally composing himself from his.... Mihawk thinks it was two hours... depression.

"Welcome to the world of the undead!" Belle-mere remarked

Mihawk merely smirked, setting his glass down to the small coffee table in front of him.

"Ha Ha..... Asshole...." Roger mutters.

Olivia lounges among a couch that somehow has hundreds of cushions upon it. She lazily gets up only to say: "Quiet down, I was dreaming of sleeping."

Majority of the occupants in the room looked at the preseason of Sloth with a disbelieving look and a sweat drop.

Only Olivia.... Only sloth....

____ MIHAWK POV____

I can't believe I'm apart of this generation of Sins....

I can't tell if it's a blessing or a curse...

But only they...

The predecessors and the new Gen...

Only they can see me behind my mask...


AKIRA: Chapter 7 Done
This hasn't been beta-ed..... Betad? I don't know... So just let me know if I misspelled something!

A quick heads up: I'm making a Q&A for 'My Apocaliptic Sin is Your Love' that I'd like to call "Ask my Sin to know my Love"

Here you can ask any questions to the Sins or predessors (hell even other pirates, marines or even shichibukais) give dares and even make a request if a sin or other friends, enemies, allies or family to the Sins! Don't be afraid to speak up and join in!

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