Chapter 2- The friend of Lust and the secret mate

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Akira; HELLOOOOOO~ One Piece fans! How has your day been? Here is chapter 2, and this one will be circled around Lust! Or, in other words, Penguin!
Also I now have an amazing beta for this little piece of Sins: maybelady!
Ok, here we go!



"Penguin! Shachi! Let's go already!"

"Yes captain!" Shachi and I said. We followed our captain, Trafalgar Law, off of our ship which was a yellow submarine..... I think captain has a thing for The Beetles.... whoever they are.

Oh! I should introduce myself! My names Penguin. I'm 26 years old and I am the first mate of Trafalgar Law, captain of the Heart Pirates.

I usually wear a white (or black on some occasions) jumpsuit with boots and a blue cap that covers most of my face. The cap has the front white with the word 'penguin' on it. I found it funny that it had my name on it so I bought the cap. The only amount of skin you can ever see in me would be my hands and the lower half of my face.

I guess I can humour you all in telling you about my physical attributes. My body looks very feminine although I do have some muscle, though not enough to look masculine. I blame being an Omega, that also means I can bare(?) children. My eyes are an emerald green colour and it is said that my eye shape seems sharp, looks a lot like Rogues but you can see the colour more easy. My hair is straight and a royal blue colour. It reaches to my chin in slight layers and personally it feels like silk. I take pride in my hair. Don't judge, I know you all are like that as well. You take pride in something about yourself more than the rest of your body.

I never let anyone see my face or any part of my body exposed.

It's not that I'm ugly or I have really bad scars or anything, no. (I've been called beautiful by the other sins before, I think they just like to make me blush...)
It's just that whenever somebody saw my face or an exposed amount of skin, every time I pretty much get nearly raped. Guy or girl, it never mattered.

That kept happening since I was as little as I could remember. By the 48th time when I was 9 (I was saved by a man in which I later found out was Pride otherwise known as Dracule Mihawk. Thank god he's a sin or who knows what could have happened), I thought to try and hide as much skin as possible by wearing long sleeved shirts and pants. I hid my hair and face in a hood which usually left my lower face to be seen. Surprisingly enough, it worked and I haven't had any rape attempts since, but there was the random pervert here and there.

Because I am Lust personified, it usually makes me seen as if I am irresistible to anybody and everybody(especially my mate, whoever that is). I prefer being alone and trying to find my own mate.

I can see people's 'red string of fate' around their little fingers. To show that they're destined to be with someone, their string is threaded with a different colour or a charm. It helps show who goes with who, I usually just look into and sometimes help who should be mated to who like my predecessor, Rogue.

I met Law when I was 13. I was walking along the streets of some unimportant town, looking through the lives of people. I heard fighting of sorts in an alley way I was about to pass. I looked in and saw him. Trying to fight of at least 8 full grown men. He was only(or at least he looked it) 9-10 at the time but he used some sort of power to take half of them out, he was doing well untill one of them got him from behind, I decided to step in and used my twin guns and took out the others.

"Why did you help?" He asked me.

"I don't know... You look like someone I once knew..." I said. It was true, he reminded me vaguely of the previous Envy, a man named Corazon. But he died...
That's how the new generation came to be. When one dies a New Gen comes into play for the past sin. I became the new Lust when I was around 6 years old. Rouge is now a ghost and so are the other sins, but they hate being called ghosts. 'Souls' are preferred or just being called a predecessor. Wrath is still alive but he had revoked his tittle as Wrath and gave it to the new generation, Marco is his name. I met him when I was 7.

Now that I think about it... didn't Corazon say he had kind of adopted a child?

"Really. I don't need your pity!" He yelled at me. His eyes flashed gold slightly.

"I don't give pity. You just seem like someone who has suffered the loss of an important person..." I tell him, I saw him flinch and look down.

"He's gone... And it's all my fault." Law said quietly. "He died because of me!"

"This person... did he die to save you?" I asked, he nodded. "Then don't let his death mean nothing, live on like he wanted and live both your and his dreams. You should smile, I think he'd want you to smile instead of being sad."

Law had snapped and tackled me into a hug as he cried. I simply held him and allowed him to cry for his important person.

He later told me who he cried for and I was right. It was Corazon. This was the Little boy he cared for and adopted. Law then told me he wanted to be a pirate and take revenge for his father-figure, but he also wanted to be a doctor to help those who have suffered. I said to him I'll help him. I had no real reason to live(you know apart from my mate but what are the chances of meeting him/her?), or even stay in this town so I followed and became the first mate to the Heart Pirates. He gave me a reason to live.

Now 13 years later, I still follow him and along the way we met Shachi, a strange guy who was near the same age as myself, and Bepo, a talking polar bear that is really shy with a lack of confidence but for some reason can kick ass at martial arts.... I have no idea how that happened... We found them both roughly around the same time and by then Bepo was A LOT smaller and could barely pronounce words properly. No one has ever seen me as exposed. Only Law a few times, as I took care of him back when I met him, but that mostly stopped when we met Bepo and Shachi. I still have to take care of him despite being 22 years old...

A large man named Jean Bart has recently joined us, captain saved him from the human auctions. There we saw Strawhat pirate captain, Monkey D Luffy. It was good seeing him again, we played it off as if we were strangers. It's better that way.
We also met another pirate crew, the Kid pirates. The captain is named Eustass 'Captain' Kidd and the first mate is named Killer, also known as the Massacre Soldier.

Killer... when I saw him... I felt something. It was like lightning, at first but then came a warm thrum inside my chest. My mark glowed softly, thankfully no one noticed. But that meant he's my--

"Penguin? Are you okay?" I heard a voice call out to me. Shachi.

"I'm fine Shachi. Just lost in thought..." I reply. Am I fine?

How is Luffy? Marco? Shanks? I heard he was mated to Mihawk from Marco, I wonder how they are... Shanks maybe selfless but if it came to his mate... Well I can only imagine what he'd do to keep him close... What about Sabo... I heard he died but... There's no new Envy. That means he HAS to be alive!

"Captain?" I heard Bepo ask.

"What is it Bepo?" Law replied to the polar bear he was leaning on.

"I-isn't that t-the Kid Pirates s-ship?" He stuttered.


I turn my head and see the aforementioned ship in all its glory.

My mark starts glowing and heating up but it goes unnoticed, it's actually comforting to me. I'm glad...

"Is this feeling always like this.. Rouge?" I mumble to myself, but I know she's behind me. She and I have a connection, that's how it is as a sin. We all are close with one another. A family. But we are even closer to our predecessors.

I hear a soft giggle. "Of course Pen-Chan. That's just how fate is... Comforting. Isn't it?" Rouge says, only I can hear her. Good thing too.

I nod. Smiling softly, feeling anxiety inside as well.
There's always a possibility that you could get rejected by your mate and that would kill you. Literally. If you don't take care of your self after being rejected by your mate, your heart could give out and you CAN die from a broken heart.

I'll never say anything. But I'm glad...

Because I found my mate....


Chapter 2 end.

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