Chapter 6- Envy, why couldn't it be me over you?

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____SABO POV____

I lie awake as I think back to what could have been. If I didn't leave as early as I did, could I have lived happily with Ace and Luffy? Would I have hated Ace and Dragon? What would've happened to Koala?

I stand out on my balcony, looking at the oceans sunset while thinking back to what could have been.


I look to my left as I see a girl that could only be called beautiful, and she is. This is Koala, a friend of mine and partner in the revolutionary army.

I smile in a brotherly way. "What is it Koala?" I ask.

"Dragon is sending us on our mission soon, are you ready?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Almost. Give me a bit and I'll meet you at the gates."

Koala laughed, she knew I hadn't even started packing. "Typical Sabo... Okay, meet you there."

As she leaves, I enter my room which is kind of messy with maps, reports and clothes lying about. Okay, so I'm a bit clumsy and messy... I try to tidy up a bit as I pack for a trip which I think will take at least a month!

Well, while I do this I guess I should introduce myself, ne?

I'm Sabo! The middle brother out of Ace and Luffy. I'm 23 years old as is Ace, but he believes he is older (That makes sense since he's born on the 1st of January). I am also the personification of the sin Envy. Regardless that I work under Luffy's "father", Dragon, I hate the man greatly (or at least resent him) for what he did to Luffy!

I mean, HOW is abandoning your only son and step-son right?!?! Ace was under Dadans care and had Garp, sure, but what about Luffy? A premature baby, all alone (Sure, Garp took him in after he first heard of Luffy, but still)... All because your wife died in child birth? She wouldn't have been able to have Luffy without one of them dying to begin with, she knew that. She TOLD HIM. She told Ace! (I know this as Miss Rouge told me one day)

I'm sure you've all met some of the other sins, so I guess we all can have a look at my past, too.


____NO ONE POV____

After having his ship destroyed by a celestial dragon, Sabo was floating along the ocean.

It hurt so much. The burns he had gained(??) from his ship as it was shot and burning to it's demise. He had deep gashes along his torso as well as severe burns that laid mainly along his left side - although somehow his mark remained perfectly unharmed.

He was blacking out. Blood loss was becoming too great.

Just as he thought he was going to truly die and had accepted it, a large shadow over came him. A ship.

With his vision blacking out and his hearing coming and going, he vaguely heard voices calling out to him.

"Hey! Ca... ..ou he... me?! Get him- ...."

"He's ........ --Stabilise h....."

"....Don't Die on me!"

Pain came to him on a whole new level. He screamed as loud as he could, thrashing to get the pain to stop but it all kept hurting. Sabo felt multiple hands holding him down as two other pairs

After that he passed out.


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