Chapter 10 - Greed & Sloth My assistance is what you need?

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____NO ONE POV____

"Well then, lead the way Sloth."


"So.... What is it that you need Red?" Kaku asked as he took a seat in the living room of the house he and his team resides in.

Shanks and Ben sit across from the strange group. "Captain has called a summons." Ben states causing the ginger haired males eyes to widen.

Kaku practically jumped from his seat, "'You serious?! What for?!" He exclaimed.

The CP9 and Paulie were seated around Kaku, worried what it could possibly be that made their friend get so worked up over a so called 'summons'.

Shanks expression turned into a grim and serious one, "The Apocalyptics are arriving..."

Kaku's face turned deathly pale, they're arriving now?

Shanks continued, "We already know where War is, he's with Wrath but he thinks War's going to go rouge. Lust thinks his captain is Death; which leads us to Famine and Pestilence."

There was a brief moment of silence before that was soon broken by everyone's favourite Fu Man Chu wearing agent. "Woah, woah, woah!" Jabura shouted. "A summons? Apocalyptics?! Kaku you better start explaining right now! This was like your drunk babbling last night. "

Shanks expression turned teasingly exited, "You were drunk again?! Dahahaha! Whose ass did you compliment this time!?"

Kaku groaned as his face heated with mortification, he noticed that Benn and SOME of the CP9s were trying to hold their laughter. They were failing miserably.

Fukuro giggled, "he was then singing something about a Binks sake--"

"Binks Sake! Great song!"

"-- then he proceeded to strip and ramble about... Sins?" He finished.

Kalifa then spoke as she adjusted her glasses. "This has to do with this 'summons', doesn't it?"

"Very much so yes." Shanks confirmed, "You see, Kaku is both a flirty and trusting drunk..... A little too trusting; he must really trust and care for you guys to bring us out in the open like this. Dahaha~" he laughed.
The CP9 and Paulie showed understanding in their expressions. Shanks continued.
"The summons is an event in every Sins time where they gather to meet one another in the official bounds of their title. Summoning can happen often or rarely - it doesn't matter, but it will happen. This summons is to bring our friends the Apocalyptics to the light and allow them to assist us in the balance of the world. I can only assume that you've noticed the corruption around us?"

Paulie was the one to speak, surprisingly, "Yeah, but isn't that just the Governments fault?"

Kaku smiled, "Partially, you see a Sins role is to keep the balance of their name sake in the world. I am Sloth so I need to be sure that people are motivated and keep working, yet I also need to be sure no one over exerts themselves and so they must rest. I have the easiest Sin if I do say so myself. But because of the way we were given our titles, which was too far apart time wise, everything's a little bit out of whack."

The group of friends gave looks to one another, this was something big, and they know they're not getting the full view of the big picture....

Jabura seemed to remember something. "Ah! I knew this sounded familiar!" He pointed to both Shanks and Kaku who looked rather perplexed at the exclamation. "You are the deity of Pínghéng de shén!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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