Chapter 8 - Sloth, for you? I will!

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____KAKU POV____

"So it's agreed? We use the darker material for the carpeting?" Paulie asked, looking over the blueprints to our latest job in repairing and renew a ship. Clarification of so many things and people's jobs are very time consuming.

Lucci nodded as his bird, Hattori, said. "Right! Right! Let's get crackin'!"

I'm still amazed at how Lucci is able to make Hattori speak with such skill at ventriloquism.

"Not yet, what about the structure? We should get some others to give you a hand at strengthening it, all weaker parts get taken care of first and the others need as much care regardless of wether it's stronger or not." Our boss Iceberg stated.

"I can get Lulu and the others to organise that." I said.

Iceberg nodded. "Well now that that's discussed, go home. You all need the rest for an early start tomorrow."

Lucci, Paulie and I all nod and started to make our way out of the spacious office, giving Kalifa a small smile and a nod in greeting, we make our way out of the building and to the bar. More commonly known as 'Blueno's bar' because of the bartender, Blueno, makes the best drinks out there.

"So did ya hear about the latest news?" Paulie asked. He's not one for gossip so whatever this is must be something important.

"What's up?" Hattori asked.

"Rumours are going about saying the World Government caused the fire of the new set of apartments!" Paulie exclaimed.

My eyes widened. The Government?

Hattori spoke. "How do Ya know it's the World Government? Could'a been some of the thugs around the city."

Paulie took a drag from his cigar he just lit up. "The construction workers saw the World Governments symbol on the back of their clothes.... and the number eighteen."

Oh.... It was CP18.... Those bastards can't clean up their own mess.

"How did the Government get so flawed?" I asked no one in particular.

"I think it was when the Pirate King died." Paulie said. "They think they're indestructible and what they do is the right thing and that their word is law. Same with those damn Tenryubito."

Lucci nodded. He looked to me, knowing we'd have to talk about this later with the rest of the CP9.

As we walk to the bar, I guess I can introduce myself.

I'm Kaku, age 23. I'm a shipwright for Galley-La in Water 7, but I'm also an agent for the Government. Myself, Lucci, Kalifa and Blueno along with a few others are apart of a group called the Cipher Pol 9, of CP9 got short, we mainly specialise in assassinations.

Anyway I guess the main thing that you're all wondering is what personification I am. I am the acting personification of the sin Sloth. Kind of ironic considering I usually run and jump off of buildings a lot.

My 'special' power is Sound. Like using sound waves. I think Luffy has the coolest, I mean time and space!

I guess you're all wondering about the CP9, right?

Well even though we all work/live for the World Government, it's kind of against out will. I had just left East Blue at 9 years of age where Spandam and his goons got to me. Now in hindsight I probably could have taken them, but I didn't know how to work my powers. So I was very much screwed over.

Spandam........ Urgh, just thinking of that purple haired dumb fuck makes me wanna brake something. Preferably his face. The man has no care of the people or justice, he's in it for the personal gain within the political world. Get famous, respected and well known by the right people and you're basically untouchable.

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