Chapter 2 - Xavier

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My friends decide to drag me to the mall. Well actually it is more Cloe than anyone else, but since it isn’t just going to be us, I went along with it.

To be honest, I don’t like Cloe, she always has to prove herself better than everyone, and she always tries scaring off my girlfriends whenever I have one, saying things like; I’m going to leave them as soon as I get to have sex with them, that I’m her boyfriend and that I am cheating on them both, or by just saying mean things to them in general.

That’s why I am standing here waiting for our food from Panda Express.

I feel a stick hit me in the ankle, I look back to glare at whoever it is, it isn’t who I thought it to be, it is some blind girl with spider bite piercings in her bottom left side of her mouth, and with the most beautiful chestnut color hair with golden highlight in it to make it look like fire.

“Sorry.” She says as soon as she realizes what she just hit.

“It’s alright.” I say gently. I watch as she pulls her cane closer to her.

“Are you blind?” Cloe asks rudely.

“No, I’m just holding this cane because I like it.” She says sarcastically, making the guys and I laugh.

“Where are you trying to go?” I ask.

“I’m in the line for Panda Express, right?” She asks with her brows scrunched together in worry. Probably not one to likes to make mistakes, and probably self-conscious about it.

“Yeah.” I reassure her.

“Then I’m where I need to be.” She says in relief.

“How’d you get blind?” Cloe asks.

Brad hits her in the arm for even asking something like that.

“Ow, what was that for?”

Did she really need to ask?

“That’s not very nice.” Brad says.

“Its fine, I’m used to it.” She looks directly at Cloe, which is kind of cool and creepy at the same time. “I was born like this, my parents realized when I first started walking and would walk into everything.”

“How come you don’t where sunglasses like other blind people do?” Cloe asks, going way out of line.

The girl glares at Cloe. “Because why would I hide the fact that I can’t see?”

“It was just a question, no need to get so defensive about it.” Cloe says with her hands up in defense, but it isn’t like the girl can see the action.

“What’s wrong with you, had a nose job?” The girl is a fire cracker.

Cloe gasps and cups her nose.

“How’d you know?”

Wow even I didn’t know that about Cloe, how did the blind girl know?

“Because you sound nasal.” That would explain Cloe’s voice.

“Oh.” Cloe says.

“I’m Xavier by the way.” I say, trying to change the subject.

“I’m Rose, actually it’s Rosalina but I go by Rose.”

Why would she shorten her beautiful name? She extends her arm out for me to shake but her hand is a little off, so I move over to be able to grab her hand and shake it and so that she doesn’t have to feel self-conscious again about being off.

She has a thoughtful look on her face and tilts her head to the side, it's kind of cute.

“Do you play baseball or something?” She asks.

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