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Today was the big day, Luca and Giulia was coming back home to Portorroso! Alberto was very excited to see his friend again after a year away, he was racing around town on his Vespa gathering decorations and gifts awaiting their arrival. "Ciao, Alberto!" Said a neighbor "Ciao!" Alberto replied back riding past them back to his house where Massimo was preparing the pesto. Alberto parked his Vespa next to the wooden gate and hopped off and went inside with the box of decorations and gifts, "Hey, Massimo! Look at the cool stuff I got!" He said pulling out some balloons and colored strings and party streamers. "Very nice, Alberto. I'm sure they will love it!" Massimo said bring out a helium tank and starting on blowing up the balloons while Alberto started throwing up the streamers across the room from wall to wall.

"Oh boy, I can't wait to see my papa again!" Giulia said looking out the window from the train heading back to Portorroso "Yeah, I can't wait to see Alberto! There's so much I want to tell him!" Luca said excitedly also looking out the window. "You think he'll like it when I tell him about space and how huge it is? And these photos of stars up close?" Luca asked Giulia "I'm sure he will!" She said sitting back down looking over the images of stars with Luca "Pretty cool, huh?" She said. "Yeah!" Luca said, Giulia gasped "Here we are!" She said pointing at the town of Portorroso. Giulia and Luca giggled with glee happy to be back home, they grabbed their backpacks ready to get off at the train station.

Alberto finished hanging up the balloons and decorations with Massimo and set the gifts on the table he then looked at the time, "OH FISHSTICKS! Their gonna be here any minute!" Alberto said and he and Massimo started outside and headed towards the train station awaiting Luca and Giulia's arrival. It was twelve in the afternoon and Alberto and Massimo made it to the station just in time as the train began pulling up. Alberto was jumping up and down excited to see his friends again after a very long time away, Giulia and Luca ran out of the train screaming Massimo and Alberto's names in excitement. "ALBERTO!" Luca said running towards Alberto and hugging him "Hey, Luca! Long time no see!" Alberto said hugging back, "PAPA!" Giulia said hugging Massimo who was holding her with his one arm. "It is good to see you two again!" Massimo said smiling "Yeah! We have a big surprise for you guys! C'mon!" Alberto said pulling Luca's arm to follow him as Giulia and Massimo followed behind. When they entered their home, there were balloons and streamers hung everywhere across the kitchen with two gifts placed on the table. "TA-DA!" Alberto said showing Luca and Giulia the decorations and gifts. "Wow, this is amazing!" Giulia exclaimed amazed at the decorations "What are those?" Luca asked pointing to the boxes on the table "Those are gifts for you guys!" Alberto said "Go on! Open them!" He said giving Luca his gift and Giulia hers.

Giulia and Luca begin to open their gifts, Luca opened his and it was a friendship bracelet with his name in colored cubes attached to a string. "What do you think? Pretty cool huh? I made it myself." Alberto said putting his arm around Luca, "Wow, thanks, Alberto!" Luca said smiling. Giulia opened her gift and it was a book about pirates, "Santo Pecorino! You actually managed to get one!? I thought they were all sold out!" Giulia exclaimed "Aye, but I managed to find one!" Massimo said, Giulia squealed "Thanks Papa!" She said hugging her dad "Hey, I helped too." Alberto said crossing his arms "Thanks Alberto" Giulia said hugging Alberto and Luca "This is the best surprise ever!" She yelled "Yeah, anyways, c'mon Luca! I have the ENTIRE day planned for us to hang out!" Alberto said "Ok, but let go see my parents first, they're gonna be happy to see me!" Luca said "Ugh, fine!" Alberto said accompanying Luca to the water to see his parents. As they entered the ocean, they began towards Luca's home where his parents were waiting for his arrival. Luca's mom was outside trimming the seaweed when she looked over the rocky edges and saw Luca approaching "MOM!" Luca shouted and started swimming towards his mom "LUCA!" She screamed and swam towards Luca and hugging him as Luca's dad pops out of their home and also swims towards his son. "I'm so happy to see you back home in one piece!" she said squeezing Luca's face "Hehe, I'm fine Mom!" Luca said removing her hands from his face "Its good to see ya, son! How was it out there in the big world?" Luca's dad asked, "Its amazing! There were so many things that I want to tell you!" Luca said excitedly "But unfortunately, we don't have time for that for we have plans packed for today, so he'll tell you guys later!" Alberto said pulling Luca's arm to head back to the surface "Oh, ok! Have fun you two!" Luca's dad said waving goodbye to them.

Once on shore, Alberto brought Luca towards his Vespa, "What do you think?" Alberto asked showing off his Vespa to Luca

"Whoa, how'd you get one?" Luca asked

"How else? Delivering fish and getting money for it!" Alberto said "Wanna ride it?" He asked Luca

"Yeah!" Luca said,

"Then lets go!" Alberto said grabbing Luca and both hopping on the Vespa and riding it through the town together, then after that, Alberto showed Luca more human things he's found and Luca told Alberto what those 'human stuff' were which kinda killed the mood. Alberto and Luca then headed back home after a really long day of hanging out together, and sat at the table waiting for the pesto to get done "Woo! Today was awesome!" Alberto said "Yeah, riding the Vespa was the best part!" Luca said "I know, right?" Alberto said "I can't wait to do more tomorrow!" "Oh, uhh, actually I already agreed to spend the day with Giulia, she has more books that tells you all about the entire world!" Luca said excited "Ok fine, whatever..." Alberto said annoyed as Massimo gave them their pesto and sat down putting a napkin over his shirt as a polite gentleman and they all began to eat. Once dinner was done, Giulia gathered everyone's plates and began washing dishes "C'mon Luca, let's go in the tree." Alberto said heading upstairs to Giulia's room "In a minute, Giulia said she wanted to show me her book about pirates!" Luca said excitedly. Alberto sighed and started heading upstairs again but Massimo stopped him, "Alberto, I need you to take out the trash." Massimo said "You got it!" Alberto said and took the big bag full of trash then looked at Luca fawning over Giulia's book. He gave a jealous look then left outside and dumped the trash in the trash bin, he then began walking towards the water "I wish Luca, or SOMEONE would hang out with me more than Giulia's stupid books" Alberto said kicking a rock, then he heard someone singing, a lady singing.

Alberto went to where the singing was being played and saw a female figure sitting on a rock by the water singing some sort of lullaby, Alberto tried to come closer to get a better look at the silhouetted lady when he suddenly stepped on a stick. The sound of the stick alerted the singing lady as she stopped singing and turned around and looked at Alberto, Alberto stood still not knowing what to do as he stared down at the dark figure. Looking at her, he noticed that she had fins on her back and elbows and her eyes were glowing a bright amethyst color and her hair looked as if it were a brunette color and she looked like she was his age. Gaining all his courage Alberto took a deep breathe and walked closer to the woman with his hand out ready to shake her hand. "Hello there!" Alberto said coming closer to the mysterious woman, but the woman got scared and dove back into the water "Hey, WAIT!" Alberto said running towards the spot the mystery woman was just at and gazing at the water where she disappeared into, suddenly Giulia came outside to see what was taking Alberto so long to come back in the house "Alberto! What are you doing by the water?" Giulia asked "I... Uhh... Nothing just, uh... checking the fish! Y'know, gotta be ready to catch them tomorrow!" Alberto said heading back inside the house as Giulia followed. Later that night, Alberto and Luca were in the tree ready to go to sleep when Alberto told Luca what he saw. "Whoa, really? Do you think it was another Sea Monster?" Luca asked "I don't know, I couldn't really get a better look at her, it was too dark." Alberto said laying down on his pillow and looking up at the night sky "But whatever she is, I'm gonna find out! Maybe she could be our new friend!" Alberto said excited, "Yeah! That'd be awesome!" Luca said also laying down "Goodnight, Alberto!" Luca said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep "Goodnight, Luca!" Alberto said looking back up at the night sky thinking about that mysterious singing lady, as he closed his eyes he could hear her melody singing in his head, "Come with me, into the sea, as we swim far out to sea. In the deep, you will see, a world of my dreams. As you sink into the ocean, without a warning, you didn't know you've fallen-" Alberto couldn't help but hear her song on repeat, what were the last bits she was going to say? Alberto sighed and didn't mind it much, he turned over to his left side and went to sleep. Tomorrow, he was going to go look for that mystery woman.

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