// F⍜und ⏃n Enderman\\¹

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April, 6
Tommy Lives with his Father, Mother, and his two big brothers Techno and Wilbur. In a household that held two humans or possibly three, as both his father an his big brother Wilbur both having the traits of a bird like creature that came from the ancestors.

An The blonde teen was waiting for the day of his 17th birthday, in which he would be a human or a hybrid like one of his parents. he was nervous, he always hoped to get wings just like his brother and everyone knew this.

The way Tommy would look at his older brother flying around in the air, he always looked up to him. Always. The flaps of his wings rushing through the winds...it felt so calming to him. The boy would kill to feel free alongside his big brother and father. Because then..He wouldn't feel left out on things.

Tommy woke up to a knock on his bedroom door, getting up in slight jolt. The blonde opened his eyes as he tried to focus on what was around him. The boy thought of what day it might've been an as soon as he realized, he sighed softly. three days until his 17th birthday.

"Yeah?..who is it?" His voice was groggy, since he had just woke up. He rubbed his eyes roughly and with this he heard the soft steps of someone coming in his room, the creaking of the door opening.

Tommy finally stopped as he turned to the person, putting his arms on Ethier side of him. "good-morning son." The calm voice of his father went through his ears, the man walked up to the boy an patted his shoulder lightly which made Tommy give his father a soft smile in return.

"Good-morning dad.." He responded Groggily "Are you ready For your 17th birthday Tommy?" He asked, Tommy nodded slightly to this. I mean he couldn't lie he was excited but something ached in his chest,"what if.. I don't have wings like you an Wilbur?.."

That question lingered in Phil's mind as he gave out a deep sigh, turned to the big window in his sons room. only a glimpse of light shown through the curtains, he walked over opening them with a slight pull. Making the sun shine in to the big room, Tommy groaned slightly before putting a hand in front of his eyes.

Since Phil and Wilbur had a connection to there animal ancestors the whole family had to move into a house that was on a mountain, so they can sleep properly. Tommy loved the view of the town below an the forest that surrounds but he would have to be careful when walking around the cliffs, him not having wings was abit of an issue since he couldn't really save himself..he already knew his father or his big brother would save him...but....he got up at the thought an was now walking over to his father.

"Son.. you don't have to worry about that, I know you want to have wings like ur brother an i.. But there's other ways of feeling free.." Phil protested, his wings spreading out as he stood in front of the window taking a good look at the sky an the ground below. The man smiled softly as his son was now standing next him, he gently wrapped his wing around him making Tommy chuckle before looking at his wise father.
"What are the ways u can be free without wings?"

"We'll have to find out when it's your 17th birthday.. "

The day played off as normal; Techno went out hunting, Wilbur was busy making a new song, Phil went to see what the town was up to. Mumza was busy reading, Tommy..well he didn't do anything but sit in his room. He felt as though he should go outside do something but he just stayed, it was then Mumza decided that everyone should go out into the field for some family bonding time.

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