//⟟t C⏃me T⍀ue\\ 7

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'Ranboo....' He thought as he watched as the party went on. Voices and laughter filled the air one last time before it was Interrupted, he felt someone sit right next to him. His eyes shifted to who it was to be met with Tubbo's eyes staring right back, "what's wrong Tommy??" Tubbo already had his animal gene from his parents. He had goat ears, horns and a small tail, Tommy didn't pay much attention to them because it would make him jealous of him. He didn't want to get jealous of Tubbo. He didn't want that, "its just...The pain isn't going away..and I think it won't because it might just keeping going on when I get my wings.." Tubbo turned to stare at the ground below. Before turning to face Tommy completely, Tommy turned to look at Tubbo before he was engulfed in a hug. "I will help you through it okay.." He mumbles into Tommy's shirt, he smiled in return as he hugged back. The two pulled apart staring at each other while smiling, Tubbo sighed before putting his head down as he headbutts Tommy lightly not even using his small horns Ethier. Tommy laughed, "Tubbs stop!?" He exclaimed while pushing Tubbo away as he attacks him playfully they both laughed hysterically. The two playfully attacked each other before breaking apart, as Phil walks up the steps to the two. "Son, why are just sitting here?" The concern in Phils voice made Tommy jump slightly as he pulls away from Tubbo, Tubbo looks at Phil as his ears went up slightly. "Oh don't worry Father I'm fine, just wanted to get away for awhile I'll come back down.." Phil shook his head, his eyes narrowed. "Is your back still hurting?" He asked which made Tommy slowly nod, Phil sighed and ushered Tommy to come down in which he did so as Tubbo followed along. Phil lead him to the couch, he walked back to grab a plate of food for him. He then sat next to his son, as he held a concerned expression as he sighed as Tommy ate. "Tommy I'm sorry you have to go through this I know how much this day meant to you..I don't want it to be painful for you." He told his son as Tommy narrowed his eyes, staring at the ground as he ate. "Yeah..." He grumbled, "but I feel like I deserve it..for being so desperate.." He mumbled, Phil sighed before hugging his son slightly. Everyone was talking, Tommy felt eyes staring at him he looks around and no one was looking at him besides Tubbo and Phil. But the feeling was different, like someone else was staring at him he shrugged it off as he ate. "It almost about time..It's been awhile since the party has started, I'll be right here if you need anything birthday boy!" Phil said as the end of his sentence was excited that his young boy was growing up, Tommy grumbled at his fathers enthusiasm. Tommy already finished eating, but as soon as he reached the kitchen he groaned grabbing everyone's attention. Tommy scrunched up his eyes in pain, everything around him was blurry. He groaned loudly as he fell to the ground, he heard voices muffle as everyone panicked hoping that Tommy was okay. But to him he could barely make out the voices talking to him, he felt arms wrap around him. His eyes opened as he gasped as he screamed in pain, the arms wrapped around from behind him. "TOMMY!!" "WHAT THE FUCK!? PHIL WHERE IS PHIL!?" "He said he was checking around the house, he felt something off" "WE NEED HIM NOW TECHNO!" "I'll go get him!" "Hurry Tubbo!!!" yelling hurt his ears as he covered them, he knew that Wilbur was holding him since the yelling was similar to his. But all the other voices muffled, Tubbo and Techno's didn't Ethier but he knew something was happening. He groaned as he shifted around, but the pain got worse as the the pain arose. He felt something coming out of his back but he couldn't think straight to even know what it was.

(Philza POV)

I stopped as my wings flapped in place, I was in the air as I heard distant yelling. I turned to the house, when I looked down I saw someone running out of the house.  I gasped, knowing that the screaming was Tommy I quickly flew over to the person who ran out of the house which it came clear as Tubbo. "Tubbo! What happened!?" I yelled which made him stop and turn to look at me, I landed with a soft flap of my wings. "Tommy! He fell and started to scream I don't know what happened but it sounds so painful" Tubbo was talking so fast, I couldn't understand a word he was saying but I knew something bad was happening to Tommy. "Tubbo calm down, what is it? " "it's Tommy something's happening..you need to hurry! " he yelped, as he ran to the house and Ran inside which I followed quickly. Once we both went inside I turned to see Wilbur on the ground holding Tommy as he screamed, before I could run to him. A flash of purple particles showed up, as Tommy disappeared with another figure. My eyes widened as I ran outside with everyone following, "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!?" Wilbur exclaimed shocked as he ran and stood next to me. I shook my head as I turned to everyone, "we have to find Tommy, search the area!!!" I demanded. "He's is growing wings but it will be painful so we need to hurry!" Everyone nodded as they all ran off in different directions in search for Tommy. "Oh god... I hope he's alright.." I mumbled under my breath as me and my wife, ran to search for our son. Hoping he didn't get hurt, or worse.

( Ranboo's POV)

My eyes closed as I held someone in my arms, I didn't know who it was but they were in danger I had to help. I ran to a nearby tree away from the big house, sitting down with the person. He groaned in pain, as I touched his back my purple eyes shifted to his face. "⟟ ⍀⟒☊⍜☌⋏⟟⋉⟒  ⊬⍜⎍....⏚⎍⏁  ⟟ ⎅⍜⋏⏁ ☍⋏⍜⍙  ⍙⊑⊬?.."(I Recognize you....but I don't know why?..) I put a hand on his face he scrunched up his face as he opened his eyes slightly, I smiled slightly and I looked at him slightly. He groaned as he turned to his side on my lap, I sighed and I looked at his back. Stubs with feathers popped out of his back, that's why I felt something poke my thighs. That was probably hurting him, I held onto the boy as he layed there groaning in pain until it stopped. I bend over to see he was blacked out, my ears went up in alert and I looked at his stubs which were now growing into small wings. "¿⍙⟟ ⋏☌⌇?"(Wings?) I touched the feathers in wonder, they were soft I stopped pulling my hand away not wanting to hurt him any further I leaned my back against the tree waiting for the Boy to grow his wings. A while came as I stared at the boy, trying to figure out why I recognize him. My purple eyes narrowed as I stared at the big wings that was on his back, I stroked his wings as the night sky made the flowers glow. My ears went down, and slowly picked up the boy to lean him onto me and with his back facing the side for his wings spread out. I didn't know why I felt the urge to do this but it felt right, he was still knocked out so put my head on his. "⌿⌰⟒⏃⌇⟒ ⍙⏃☍⟒ ⎍⌿.." (Please Wake up..) I whispered to him, I closed my eyes as darkness came over me.

1312 words

¿Wings? // Allium Duo // AUWhere stories live. Discover now