//⏃ Morn⟟ng All⟟um\\⁴

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(Editing Chapter)
When the two were done with their food, Ranboo got up to avoid intruding on the family any longer then he had already. He walked to the front door to leave only to be stopped by a hand on his right shoulder, freezing at the contact he turned around to look straight into the blonde boys baby blue eyes.

"So no goodbye?" Tommy grinned sadly staring at Ranboo, they turned to look at the blonde with a small frown. "Well uhmm..I didn't want to be to much of a bother so..." Ranboo mumbled, the boy in front of them rolled his eyes an shook his head. "No ur not, come on don't say that!" Tommy whined grabbing the others arm an pulling it slightly, "ok I won't! but I do need to go home..ill come over tommorrow though!" They chuckled at the boys childish ways.

"FINE!" Tommy groaned softly whispering a 'whatever' afterwards which the enderman hybrid caught, the blonde shook his head an looked back. Wilbur, Techno said a simple goodbye while Phil and Mumza said."Well I hope to see you again soon!" Ranboo nodded and smiled back at them, they all gave him a nice welcome so him leaving was so surreal. As he was about to leave he felt a tug again on the same arm Tommy grabbed, looked back at him again. "I'll walk with you."

They both smiled at each other an the other nodded in Agreement, as they were about to walk out the door the blonde stopped an told his parents that he'll be back soon. In which they agreed, told him to be safe "I WILL I PROMISE!" Tommy pulled the hybrid with him down the dirt road.

As the two walked down the stairs that led down the cliff, which again wasn't to far down from normal ground level. They both walked in silence, as Ranboo mostly enjoyed the view. The path crunching under his feet, the beautiful trees and bushes that sprawled down along the path. As well as a few Alliums and other sorts of flowers, Ranboo smiled while looking at his favorite flowers. He stopped to walk towards a couple, picked some up. Tommy stopped and now noticed that Ranboo' stopped, he turned to look at him confused. "What are u doing Buddy?" He stopped to see Ranboo turned around with a couple Alliums, he walked over to Tom's as he look down at him. He smiled before saying, "hold still." Tommy obeyed and sat there confused as Ranboo took the Alliums, was putting them on his head. Awhile later Ranboo smiled, gasped "wow..im done! We go now!" He exclaimed. Tommy was confused of what Ranboo did but when he put his hand up to touch it, he slapped his hand away. "Don't ruin it!!" He exclaimed again. Tommy's sighed in frustration, "whhyyyyy!.." Tom's whined as he walked along side Ranboo. "Because it looks good and you'll see what it is until you get home, but you'll like it anyway!" Ranboo said as he smiled brightly which made Tommy do so as well. "Alriiight.." He grumbled, as soon as they made it to the bottom the two said there fare wells and parted. Tommy ran home in hopes to see what Ranboo made, he assumed it was a flower crown but no one had ever made him one before. He soon stops to walk since he was tired, he gasped for breath but as he did he looked at the other flowers. He smiles as he looks at the Alliums, other flowers as in Poppy's, dandelions, cornflowers, Lilly's. He smelled the air, he couldn't feel more happier with Ranboo being his new friend. All he had now was Ranboo and Tubbo, if he lost them he wouldn't be the same. He'll be alone not having anyone to relate or just to talk to, he sighed again as he continues to walk home. He starts to sing his favorite song Mellohi, he would sing it when he was relaxed or just happy in general. He was indeed excited to see what the flower crown looked like on him, he never wouldn't have expected Ranboo to make him something when they had just met yesterday.
As Tommy finally got to his house, opened the door to find Wilbur there in front of him. "A flower crown??" He questioned, "Ranboo made it for me.." Tommy smiled as his second oldest brother did as well. "That's really kind of him!" Tommy nodded and smiled proudly, as he went to the bathroom Wilbur however went out to stretch out his wings. When Wilbur told him he was doing that, of course that made Tommy sigh, as he was still upset that he couldn't just know he's going to have wings. Like there should be a sign or something at least, Tommy finally looked in the mirror and his fears of not having wings washed away. The beautiful purple petals were set on his head, the stems intertwined making a perfect flower crown. 'How did he make that so well?!?'
He thought, he decided to keep the flower crown at all costs but one thing that bothered him was that he didn't make anything for Ranboo. He taps his finger on the counter of the sink, thinking but at last he couldn't think of anything since he wasn't skilled. He might as well ask his father, but before he went off to go to his father.. His back started to hurt he turned his back to the mirror confused. "What the fuck!?" Tommy was now shocked, is that the sign he was looking for or was it just a random back pain. It couldn't be its literally two days until his birthday, why the hell is he now starting to feel it. Or was it just some desperate feeling that he was feeling, he sighed before now going to ask his father what's happening with his back. Tommy still didn't forget to get something for Ranboo but that would have to wait for now, he ran to Philza which just so happens to be outside by a willow tree that had Bushes surrounding it with flowers in it as well. It was at the back of the house, which was considered to be the backyard. "Dadza? I have something to ask you.." He said as he put his hand on the part of his back that was hurting, Phil was reading a book but when he heard his son ask for his assistance. He took off his reading glasses, smiled and nodded "what is it son? Something wrong??" Tommy sighed in case it was something to deal with him just being desperate. But for right now he should just ask, "do you ever get signs of getting ur parents animal genetics or parts.. Or whatever..??" He finally asked, which made Philza put a hand on his chin to think. "I'm pretty sure it's a rare accurance for kids to experience that, why do you ask?" Tommy now was scared now, "does it happen to be painful?" He ignored his fathers question and quickly asked that incase it was an overreaction.
"Yeah that's what that Intailes..but it can also be more painful when it comes to what the parents animal is."

1126 words...

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