\\ Ru⟟n⍀d //¹²

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(Wilbur's POV)

As I flew around I found myself landing on a mountain side feeling the breeze of wind brush against my wings and face, I stared at the path in front of me it was lit up with torches. The flames glowed brightly, showing bits and pieces down below inside the cave. Along with glow berries that hung on the ceiling of the cave itself, bits of moss everywhere at the entrance. It was way different from all the other caves I've been to. I knew it was one of those lush caves but something about it caught my eye. My eyes narrowed as I stared at the cave for a minute, I also noticed it wasn't that far off of where everyone lived. But it seemed as though someone lived there, my wings opened slightly as I turned around to the open forest. My brown hair flowing with the wind as I whistled slowly, a couple minutes later a crow flew towards my direction. Phil taught me that I could use a crowd it was a way of messaging him things that were important, of course this was important because of Tommy's disappearance and Ranboo on the loose. The crow landed onto my shoulder as my eyes turned away from the crow to the entrance of the cave, the path in which I assumed lead to Tommy and Ranboo. I might have been tough on the halfling, but I can't risk him getting hurt by someone he knows. "Can you tell Phil and Techno I might have found them..." I whispered to the black bird as it nodded before flying off to there location, "in the meantime...i might have to break them up..unless.. " my eyes widened at the thought, I ran down the path ignoring some of the dark parts of the cave. Halfway through I saw more stuff in the caves, a table used for enchanting armor and such with bookshelves lining up around it. "This...must be where they are.." I whispered trying to not get any attention, I came to a stop hiding behind one of the drip stones that corresponded along the path. I saw Ranboo cuddling Tommy from behind, my eyes widened at the sight. I wasn't even expecting this.. 'Phill.. I wish you can explain this??'

{Tommy's PoV}


Everything was at peace, it was something I've missed for awhile. Especially since Dream was locked up, because he murdered people and destroyed villages just for his own power. But ever since he got locked up, everyone changed. L'manburg was still a thing. yes, it was because of Wilbur but it was still a living country, I wanted to join for the peace but.. I couldn't. I sighed deeply ignoring all that and focusing what was happening now, what mattered was Ranboo. I felt the warm embrace I couldn't get enough of. Until hearing a slight slip of a shoe against stone where someone stopped and hid, my eyes widened at this looking up at Ranboo hoping he heard it to. He did shaking his head quickly hoping to catch who it was, he saw the person immediately. Moving in a fast movement he ended up grabbing the person in a blink of an eye, making ender noises in the process. I instantly knew who it was by the beanie and the sweater, my eyes shifted to the brown eyes of my brother as he was pinned to the wall of the cave. "Ran! Don't.." My voice cracked slightly as I stared at the angry ender hybrid. This caused me to stand up quickly running over to Ranboo in a hurry, the thing that scared me the most was the fact that Ran ignored me. He just stared into Wilbur's eyes not saying anything but making angry noises, this made my heart skip a beat. Frightened of the sight, I've never really seen this side of Ran before.. This was something different. He did say he would protect me no matter what, I shook it off instantly as I finally saw Ranboo about to attack Wil. This made me quickly try and push Ranboo off, he wouldn't budge. "RAN!"
I stumbled backwards eyes widened in fright, there stood Techno. His eyes glowed in the dark as purple blood dripped to the ground, I didn't even hear him coming in I was to focused on Ran.. -
My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Ranboo he stood there an backed away from Wil and Techno, his eyes stared at the slash wound he had on his chest. It all happened so fast and I had no time to react..Techno pushed Him and slashed him with his axe of peace, Before he could attack Wilbur..i felt the burning sensation coming to my eyes rather quickly as I stared at the pain in his eyes he even stared right at me in fear and worry. His glowing purple eyes turned to his normal green and red eyes as he stared at me. As He stumbled backwards letting me know he was going to fall, "RANBOO?!" I ran to him my eyes filling with tears as I opened my wings as they caught him along with my arms before he fell to the hard ground of the cave. I felt myself cry in pain over the fact he was in pain. It was to much.. Why..
"Ranboo.. Stay with me please, don't die please I can't go through with this.. I need you.." I whispered quickly not accepting anything at the moment as it will only make it worse- "Tommy!?" I could bear to hear there voices right now as i stared into the two colored eyes, he stared right at mine. "It's okay Tommy..ill be okay.." He whispered, puting a hand on my cheek. His eyes kept changing but he closed them as he took calm breathes, "Tommy please!" "Please save him.." As I said this my wings opened up as I softly held onto him Silently. Father stood with widened eyes as he saw to slash on the hybrids chest. "Techno... What did u do?.." The raspy voice of Phil echoes as his wings lowered, his stare turned to a saddened look. "He was going to attack Wilbur, I had no choice." He grumbled as he put his Axe away, turned around to the cave entrance. Techno sighed as he heard his Father clear his throat, I shook my head to ignore what they are talking about as it wasn't anything about saving Ran. "Ran.." His eyes opened, stared straight at me with a small weak smile. His eyes stayed his normal color as I softly grabbed onto his hand that held my cheek gently, softly whimpered as tears still fell down softly. Ranboo didn't respond though..he stared at me for while before closing his eyes again, his smile faded from his face. As he went limp in my arms, I gave out a shaky breathe and whispered 'no' over and over again. I slowly placed my fingers to his neck to check if he had a pulse, my hands started shaking as I softly chuckled in relief. He was alive...he's alive...my blue eyes stared at his face as he was unconscious, slowly closed my eyes taking a breather. "Please.. Save him Phil.."

{1 Day later
No ones POV}

A day passed since the incident, Tommy still sat in the same room Ran was in. The hybrid layed in a deep sleep still recovering from the injury he had. It was a half chance he wouldn't have made it but to his surprise he was still alive, he was glad. Glad to know his love for him wasn't gone for good. The blonde who was passed out from the long day he had, once he heard a slight groan from a certain someone he woke up slowly only to see the enderboy was awake. his eyes wandered around the room, trying to regulate what had happened. Once his eyes layed onto Tommy's he smiled. "Hey.." Tommy gave a small weak smile at the boy, got up from where the chair he sat at. As he grabbed onto the Enders hand, "hey..Ran.." The blonde said with a small voice crack as he slowly rubbed onto the white hand that belonged to Ranboo. "Are you f-feeling okay?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed staring at the boy in the bed, in return the hybrid nodded slightly. "It hurts a little...but other than that I'm fine.. Tommy are you okay?" He turned his head award from the question, the blonde boy didn't know what to say. After while of his father helping Ranboos wound, his brothers scolding him. Mostly Techno since Tommy was the most angry towards him, Wilbur seemed different. Because he would happen to come in with Tommy to make him feel better whenever he would watch over Ran, said sorry a couple of times for causing Techno to hurt him. But for Tommy he didn't speak at all he would say simple things but that would be it, whenever Techno pissed him off he would yell at him for him being wrong.
"I-im okay.."
The boy winced at his own lie, he wasn't okay.. "Tommy.. That's a lie.."

Again I will try to make chapters, plus expect some angst since I did put that in the bio-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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