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Before he could say anything else lips were crashed onto his which made his eyes widen. The boy put his hands around Tommy's neck, while Tommy put his hands on the endermans cheeks. When they pulled away Tommy spoke, "I'm sorry..i might not be able to see you again, so I had to do that for the last time..."
Ranboo gave Tommy a confused glance before he slipped away, as the boys eyes widened. Tears streaming down the blondes face before running off...
(Tommy's POV)

I couldn't look at his face, he was confused I know but..i just didn't want to see when he realized what I meant by that I won't see him for while...Or more than awhile. As I slammed the door open, making everyone's head snap towards me in concern and in worry. "How dare you." I stared directly at My father, in which his eyes were set in confusion. Wilbur, Techno and Mother both stared at Phil before turning there attention back at me, "what's wro-" Will was about ask. "I Love Him..I LOVE HIM!.." tears were now streaming down my face, as everyone's eyes widened both in confusion and being in shock. I couldn't take not seeing Ranboo for a month because of him, I felt safe I felt loved..but he took that away from me. Philz eyes narrowed calmly as he knew what I was implying, "I know you do..but it's for your safety. " after awhile of silence, the words I screamed at my father rushed through my mind my eyes widened as tears ran down my face as I gasped in shock. 'I said I love him..oh no..what is wrong with me' I shook my head before father was able to speak wanting to break the silence, I ran quickly to my room not wanting to see anyone. As I groaned in frustration as I went to the corner of my room, sitting in a ball with my wings wrapped around my body covering me from the whole world. The footsteps, the front door closing as everyone was leaving hearing there's voice erupt downstairs knowing they were concerned for me. They wouldn't understand anyway..thoughts were wiped away as I heard my door open with hoves hitting the ground, I knew of which was my best friend. My eyes closed shut as I felt Tubbo going to his knees, I then heard four more footsteps enter my room already knowing it was my family who of which I didn't want to see at the moment. "Tommy..." The soft voice of my friend rung out, but I just hugged myself tighter as my wings were covering me from view. "I don't want to talk...." "Can you answer a question for me Tommy??...who did you say you were in love with?" Phils voice answered Tubbo's question, in which I didn't want him to, cause I didn't love Ranboo..but what I said kinda slipped without me thinking. "Ranboo-" "i don't love him.." I protested, as tears were dripping from my face to my shirt as I sniffed. I gripped onto my legs, as I turned my head away from them even though they couldn't see. "Then what was that you said earlier? Hmm.." Techno said grunting, I opened my eyes as thoughts were overruled by emotions and questions. 'After all this time this feeling I feel towards him.. Was love..' I must of said that out loud because Everyone except Tubbo, "Yep" "yeah you can't deny it, Brother" Wilby said whilst chuckling. The room went silent before the voice of Phil spoke, "Tommy, I-" "Save it. I know your trying to protect me.."
A Month Later.
(No ones Pov)

Ranboo kept watching over Tommy, not in his normal state but in his enderwalk state. He kept watching through the whole month that had gone by, Tommy finally got to fly which it felt great for awhile since he hasn't seen Ranboo and it felt different without him. Whenever Tommy would walk outside he would always fly to the roof to take his mind off of things, during these times he would hang with Tubbo all the time but.. Ranboo was the one he wanted to mostly hang out with. One day after the month ended, he sat at the top of the house staring off into the distance sighing deeply, as his blue eyes stared off into the distance. Blonde hair, his feathers on his wings flowing with the soft breeze. "Ranboo...i want to see you again.." His voice rung out into the endermans ears, he wanted to teleport to him just so he can see him again but Phil kept Wilbur and Techno searching around to see if he was sneaking around. Which made the enderman growled, as his purple eyes watched the two bigger brothers walking around looking around to see if he was around. The boy hid behind a tree away from the two boys visions, his ears went down. Before Tommy could get up to stand, he felt arms wrap around him he gasped in surprise his wings squished into the person chest while they tried to break free. Before he blinked seeing he was not on top of the roof anymore, he was in a cave. A cave covered in Glow Berry's and moss, waters in parts of the cave with drip leaves this made the boys eyes widened he never saw a cave like this before. He soon realized he was still in the persons arms, he pulled away only for the person grip to tighten he gasped at this while his wings brushed onto the persons face making it easier for him to escape. He heard a growl which made Tommy's eyes to widen, he felt like he was going to be eaten or killed but he didn't know which one was worse so he closed his eyes tightly as he made his wings cover himself from view. Everything was silent he soon felt himself fall back onto something made of wool underneath him, this made the boys blue eyes open to see he was in a makeshift bed made out of white wool. Tommy made his wings uncover Himself and turned his attention to the person who brought him there, only to be met with purple eyes the boy wasn't able to see the others face just there eyes which glowed. "⏁⍜⋔⋔⊬...."(Tommy...)The familiar voice broke Tommy out of his trance on the purple eyes, his eyes widened as he realized who it was and why they were speaking enderman. 'Ranboo..' He thought as he backed off only for the boy to come out of the Shadows showing the all to familiar face, Tommy saw the expression that Ranboo had. His eyes softened at him as his lips curved into a soft smile, he got closer to him only to be inches away from the blondes face. "Ranboo.. W-w-" the blondes voice shaking, after hearing what Phil said he had to be careful of Ranboo he listened though because whenever he came across him he would stay away for His father sake. If Tommy ever did go close to him or talked to him his father would flip, he knew he didn't want to be in trouble not again. "Please.. Stay away...." Ranboo didn't listen, as tears dripped down the blondes cheek he hated how he had to stay away from someone he loved so dearly, he was going to push him but stopped himself But the thing was when he was this close to him, he missed it so much. he knew it wouldn't last for long. Tommy shook the thoughts away as his eyes closed, he prepared for something to happen only the soft feeling of lips brushing against his and then moving to his cheek pecking it gently and hands touching his wings softly which made his wings twitch. Tommy gasped as he backed off his eyes widened as he stared at Ranboo, who never changed his expression towards The Blonde the same soft smile he loved and the loving eyes.'what was that?....what is he doing??..i've just been avoiding him for a long time and he's. Loving on me...??' His thoughts were Interrupted as he felt arms wrap around his waist as Ranboo pressed his body against his, leaving Tommy's head on Ranboo's chest. "⊬⍜⎍⍀ ⋔⟟⋏⟒!!"(your mine!!) He whispers as he cuddled into Tommy, making happy noises which calmed the blonde boy down his arms hesitated but wrapped around Ranboo's waist as well while The enderman kept petting his wings which made Tommy close his eyes. Now.. For first time in a while Tommy felt safe.. He just hopes that his family doesn't find him.

1466 words

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