//Pa⟟inful Tr⎍th\\ 5

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"what is it son? Something wrong??" Tommy sighed in case it was something to deal with him just being desperate. But for right now he should just ask, "do you ever get signs of getting ur parents animal genetics or parts.. Or whatever..??" He finally asked, which made Philza put a hand on his chin to think. "I'm pretty sure it's a rare accurance for kids to experience that, why do you ask?" Tommy now was scared now, "does it happen to be painful?" He ignored his fathers question and quickly asked that incase it was an overreaction.
"Yeah that's what that Intailes..but it can also be more painful when it comes to what the parents animal is."
(Wilbur's POV)

I flapped my wings about as the wind rushes past my face, I past a couple trees before deciding to head back. Since I already had enough wing exercise, but before I turned in the direction to where the house was. I saw a crow flapping towards me, I knew it was one Phil's Crows. They usually would come when something is happening, or if it was urgent. My eyes widened, 'something happened didn't it...gotta see what he has to say first before I jump to any conclusions..' I slowly flapped my wings as I head towards the crow. The crow stopped in which I did to, the crow Landed on my outstretched hand that I gave it so it could land. "Why have you come?" I asked, the crow ruffles it's feathers "ur Father has requested for u to come home, it is urgent and it has something to deal with ur younger Brother"the crow screeched I nodded in response, the crow flew back in the direction I was going so I followed hoping nothing bad happened to Tommy hoping he didn't get Into trouble like he would do at times. As the house came into view, the crow of course flew back through the door to the balcony to Phils room. Something felt strange, as I Upproached the house my wings flapped slowly for a safe landing. My wings tucked back as I saw Mother walk towards me, "sweetie, Tommy might be in a bit of a predicament..." She said slowly. Feet crunched besides me, I see in the corner of my eye Techno standing beside me. "What's wrong? Did he get into trouble again?" Technos voice arose mixed with worry as well but trying to hide it, Mother shook her head "come, this way." Me and Techno walked with mother to Tommy's room, we heard the groans of what we can tell was are younger brother. My eyes widened, as she opened the door Tommy layed on his side facing the doorway, his face scrunched up in pain as he closed his eyes. Phil sat next to him his eyes narrowed, "honey!.." Phil perked up looking up at us with worry. "What has happened?" I asked confused and worried for what was happening to Tommy, my younger brother. "Tommy was having back pains when he came back from walking Ranboo out..But once he told me about them out in the yard he fell to the ground, it's getting worse and it might be from what ur brother has asked about." I took as step forward, my eyes shifted to Tommy as he groans louder. "What did he ask about exactly?" I asked wondering what he could've possibly asked, unless..."he asked about if teens like himself could feel pain when getting there parents animal Genes.." He replied as he got up to a bottle, which looked like a potion probably of which could help him with the pain. I sighed, "he feels the pain of growing wings hasn't he.." Techno butted in which made me nod watching as Phil poured a little sample of the medicine in a spoon. He walks over to Tommy, "Tommy..take it it will help." Phil kindly told him as he took the medicine. "Wilbur I want u to go to Tubbos house, get him over here Tommy might need his best friend for comfort." Phil demanded softly, I nodded in response as Phil turned to look at me. I ran out as I opened the front door to the house or should I say mansion, taking off to Tubbos house. It took a while to fly there as are house was kind far from the rest of where everyone was, but I was fast enough to fly around. My wings thrashed hard as I saw Tubbos house in view I saw Tubbs in the field next to his house with his bee friends, I smiled at that as he pets one of the bees on the head as it flew off. I swooped down to the ground landing softly on the ground as to not scare the bees, Tubbo noticed me flying so he ran over to me in the field of sunflowers. He got to me, but he looks at me in concern as he knew I didn't just come her to visit as my smile faded in worry, "What is it Wilbur?" He asked worriedly. "It's Tommy he might need ur help he's been going through a lot of pain right now, Phil told me to come get you. " Tubbo nodded, as his eyes narrowed he gasped when I said he was in pain. "Then what are we waiting around here for let's go!" I nodded as we ran towards the direction to the house, since I knew that it wouldn't be fair if I flew there and he ran by himself. As well as it would be hard carrying him all the way there so, it would take longer to get there even if he was light. Are feet ran across the grass and soon came across the path back to the house, the rocks making loud crunching sounds.

(Tommys POV)
My eyes shut tightly, before sighing the pain slowly fading. The medicine that Father gave helped, what was strange was the pain slowly arose to my upper back. As I laid there feeling my hand being Acompanied, I opened my eyes again to stare right back at Techno. His red eyes looking at the ground before me, I looked around to see Phil sitting in my seat next my desk that was across the room in the corner near the big window. "Father..." Phil looks up, walks over "what is it son?" He asked kneeling down in front of me. "Am I getting wings like you?" I asked hoping it was a dream, that the pain wasn't something I thought it was. Phil sighed putting a hand on my head slowly ruffling my hair, which made me groan slightly while I chuckled. He chuckles slightly, "That is what I'm not sure of, I'm sure that pain might just be sign that your getting them but hopefully it doesn't get worse we'll just have to see when you party comes okay?" Halfway through saying that he looks at Techno who slightly nods back at him, he looks back and smiles. I nodded and smiled back, "okay.." My voice was hoarse from not talking in a while. Techno left while saying 'get better okay child' which I groan in response, Phil kissed my head slightly before leaving. "Tubbo will come over in a while so maybe just chill out for awhile until he comes, or maybe just have a sleepover okay?" I nodded before he closed the door. The sun was still out but it wasn't long until it set, but light still shown in my room from the light of the day. Awhile of waiting later, my eyes started to fall slightly I was tired of laying in bed all day. But I knew that if I did move around to much my back would hurt more, my thoughts were Intrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in.." I cleared my throat, I saw Tubbos head peek in slightly before running in. "You okay Tommy??!" He exclaimed, as he kneeled in front of me while I layed in bed. Wilbur was at my door, as he tried to catch his breath as well as Toby's, I chuckled slightly. "Yeah I'm okay, my back doesn't hurt that much anymore."
"Yeah Wilbur said that your back hurting might be a sign that ur getting wings!?" He exclaimed again with a smile that time instead of a worried face.

1416 words

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