😐Quackity being sick

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Q's Pov

It was around 6am.

I woke with the urge to throw. So I sat up.

I felt it so I carefully left my bed not trying to wake up my fiances.

It got worse so I ran to the bathroom not closing the door. I ran to the toilet and lefted the sit up and throw up. And wiped my face off with toilet paper.

After I threw up about 3 times. I took my shirt off and let my wings out.

"Sap!" I yell, and get no response from him.

"Sapnap!" I yelled again, and here him whine.

Then I throw again which got his attention.

I hear him run in the bathroom.

"Bubs u ok?" He asked me.

I wipe my face of with toilet paper and plush the toilet.

I shake my head no.

"Oo baby it is going to be ok." He say, while sitting down next to me.

He rubbed my back to clam me down.

I felt like I was going to throw up again to I leaned into the toilet. Which Sap noticed so he moved closer to me and rubbed my back more.

Which helped me throw up. After I finished throwing up Sap wiped my face off and pushed the toilet for me.

I was in so much pain in my tummy I started to get a panic attack. My breathing hitched and I started crying.

"Sap!" I cried out.

He turned me to where I was facing him. And he pulled me into a hug and kissed my check.

"It's okay Alex I'm here." He says to me. Which helped me clam down a little. But I felt sharp pain which then I cried out.

"It is okay here hold my hand and grab tighter it it hurts or if you feel like your going to throw up okay?" He says.

I nod my head yes to him. So I grab his hand and he kisses my hand.

"Bubs? Is every thing good in here?" Karl asked us, with a yawn.

"Alex is not feeling good he throw up a couple of times." Sap says.

"No I throw up 5 times. 3 before you came in Sap." I say, with a shaky voice.

"O baby I'm sorry I didn't come faster." Sap says to me.

Karl then sits down next to me and sets his head on my back. Kissing my back and I kinda forget that I don't have a shirt on and had my wings out.

"Baby you look so cute right now. All pretty for us like always." Karl says leaving small love marks on my back.

"You feeling better baby?" Sap asked.

"Yeah with you guys yes can we go cuddle in bed?" I said and kinda asked them.

"Sure bubs we can." Sap and Karl say.

We got up from the bathroom floor.

"Karl can you carry because Sap always does?" I asked him.

"Sure big Q." He say.

I haven't heard them call me that in a long time.

Karl then picked me up and I rapped my legs and arms around him.

Karl then started to walk to our bed which Sap was already there waiting for us.

Karl then set me down in Sap's lap.

"Bubs is it fine if we can give you love marks but like not like the ones in sex?" Sap asked.

"Ofc I'm fine with it. Go head." I say to them.

Karl was on my back kissing up and down. I was giggling from it.

Sap started to kiss my chest and sometimes my neck.

"It tickles!!" I say, while laughing.

That makes them laugh and I can feel them smiling against my skin.

After a couple of minutes I feel Sap lick my pick making me laugh.

And so Karl licked my back making laugh.

"Stop! Licking me I'm not food!" I say to them. They laugh at me.

"No you are our food bubs." Karl says, against my skin.

"You taste soooo good baby." Sap says licking up and down his pick. And hit his nipple.

"No nipple pls baby!" I said.

"Oh sorry I won't do it again." Sap said.

"Babes I'm tried can we go to bed." I say.

"Mhm ok." Karl said.

We moved into the laying position. I being in the middle. So Karl and Sap holding onto my back and Sap had his head in my chest.

After a couple minutes of cuddling.

"I love you guys." I said.

"We love you too bubs." Sap and Karl said to me.

"Karl I love you too." Sap said.

"I love you too Sappy." Karl said, before yawning.

We then fall asleep cuddling on our bed around 7am.

Sup hoes. And no you guys aren't hoes alrighty. Should I do smut with Karl and Quackity. Or Sap and Karl. Or Sap and Quackity. Or all. Alright word count isss 822!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!

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